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On the first of November, a blonde girl was sprawled across her bed, one of her hands falling off while the other was above her head. She was sleeping relatively peacefully for the amount of chaos in the room. 

Three girls were running around trying to put up red, gold and black decorations. Selina was blowing balloons while Lily and Marlene were on chairs, attempting to put on a birthday banner. 

"Lily, to your left!" Selina whisper-shouted. Lily complied and shifted the banner a little. After ten minutes of Selina fussing over the banner not being in the centre, Lily and Marlene finally managed to stick it up. While Marlene skillfully hopped off her chair, Lily's chair wobbled a bit when she tried to step down, and as she tried to balance herself, the chair tipped, causing the girl to fall flat on her face. "Ow!" She cried. "Shhh!" Marlene whispered.

The trio had woken up at five in the morning to decorate their dorm for Valerie's birthday. Lily applied silencing and sleep charms on the birthday girl to keep her from waking.

Soon a knock was heard on the door. Selina walked over and peeped out of the door. 

Four boys and a girl were standing outside, tubs full of food in the hands of the boys.

James, Sirius, Remus and Peter had taken the courtesy to bring food from the kitchens for Valerie. 

Selina smirked at them, "We just finished decorating!" She announced as she let the five into their room, not bothering to question how they got up the stairs. 

Alydia smirked as she walked in with the boys following behind her. They laid the food on the table as Selina nitpicked over them to arrange it aesthetically. The various gifts were laid out under her bed. 

Finally, after three hours of arranging and planning at eight o'clock, they decided to wake Valerie. 

Lily lifted the charms placed over her. The others crowded around her bed as Selina shook the girl. "Wake up, Valerie,"

Valerie groaned as the sunlight fell on her eyes. She got up and stretched her arms, eyes not fully open. When she opened her eyes, they fell on eight people. 


Her jaw dropped. She blinked once. 


Before she slapped her palms on her mouth. "Oh, my god..." She muttered. Her eyes ran all around the room. "For me?" She asked softly. Sirius kneeled beside her, grabbed her knuckles and pressed a soft kiss on them, "All for you, El,"

Valerie smiled at him.

"Do you like it?" Selina asked. "It's better than perfect, thank you," Valerie mumbled. 

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