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Valerie had never felt better standing on platform nine-and-three-quarters. Her arms were still covered in bandages, bruises covered her face, her head still had a mild headache, and every step hurt, but when James and Remus stood in front of her, she broke in a run with her trunk. 

"REMUS!JAMES!" She exclaimed as the two boys hugged her from the side, being careful of her bandages. 

"VALLIE!" James exclaimed. 

"Merlin James, you're early!" Valerie exclaimed. James made an offended face before taking in the sight of her, "What the hell happened to you?!" He exclaimed. 

"Home. You should know about that by now."

James had noticed. He saw how after every break, Sirius and Valerie both returned with a billion bruises on them, and he knew that their parents were the cause of them. But he could never understand why parents would hurt their own child so violently, without any remorse. His parents loved him unconditionally, and from time to time, his mother smacked him on the head, and she apologized even for that later and fed him cookies. So, he could never understand Valerie and Sirius' parents. To him, what parent damages their child so badly?

"Why are you late?" James asked. Valerie was usually the first person to reach the platform, so James thought the worst had happened when she didn't show up. "Alydia took way too long to pack her bags.

Alydia, slowly making her way around the crowd and towards the trio, heard the comment, "Hey! That's mean. Anyway, how was Yule?" 

"It was lovely, Alydia," James said. Alydia wasn't covered in bruises and bandages, but her legs did have tiny bruises.

The sisters then put their trunks aboard the train with the help of the two boys. 

Just then, she saw a boy in the crowd. 

"I'll be right back," she said. 

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"Evan!" Valerie exclaimed. The said boy turned around, his eyes widening when he saw her. 

"Valerie..." He mumbled. "Do you- do you-" Valerie stuttered as she struggled to complete the sentence.

"Yeah, I know," He muttered. "I'm sorry," He said. "It's not your fault. Besides, it's not like you aren't affected by this mess," Valerie said.

"I can't believe they didn't even consult us!" Evan exclaimed, raising his hand to ruffle his hair. 

"I can," Valerie grumbled. "Do you know they even decided the date?" Valerie asked. "WHAT THE F*CK?!" Evan shouted, making the people around them look at them weirdly. 

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