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Valerie wore a polite smile while seated beside her father, maintaining a pleasant demeanour as she listened to Lord and Lady Roseir conversing with him. A soft sigh escaped her bruised lips, the bruising more prominent than ever due to her biting down on her lips.

Her baby-blue eyes locked with Evan's own, his composure of an heir's, back straight, shoulders rolled, and chin high. However, Valerie saw through the faux confidence with a glance, his eyes nervously scanned the room, and his breath was shallow and erratic. 

"An engagement ceremony will be made to finalise your... marriage..." Sévère announced though she had been listening the entire time. Evan's eyes widened as Valerie shivered. 

A single message ran through both their minds, 'Oh shit'. The duo cursed their parents in their minds while their faces displayed remained monotonous.

"Twentieth August." 

"I am going to lead Evan to the library now, Father. May I?" Valerie asked. Her polite conduct was only for the sake of her sister. 

"Dismissed. You have an hour while me and Evan's father discuss the formalities,"

Valerie bowed before guiding a cold, glaring Evan out of the room. 

They walked down a white marble house tinted with pink and orange hues. The Belle Castle library was white, with golden and silver accents. Books were placed around the room, towering over them on the enormous shelves. The library itself had three floors, each bigger than the average house. 

Valerie gestured to a small table at the corner of the second floor. 

As the two sat down and became comfortable, their facades broke. Evan slumped, putting his hands on his head. 

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He repeated again and again. 

Valerie threw her head back as she too, cursed enough to make a sailor blush. 

The duo cursed and swore at their parents, the very same ones that arranged this. Once they let out enough curses, they glanced at each other.

Fear gripped both of them. Panic and sadness rang throughout their bodies, fueling them, negativity turning into anger, anger one uses to sharpen a knife before the final blow. 

"How did the conversation with Fawley go?" Valerie asked.

"I explained, and she understood. To be honest, her parents are looking for a suitor," Evan mumbled.

"It's all the same everywhere, huh?" Valerie mumbled. "The entire society of purebloods" is fucked up, Valerie," Evan sighed. 

"Always has been, always will be."

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