Chapter 1 - It's a house but It's not a home

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Killer's POV

It was the second week of me staying at Color's place. I really hate to admit it but living with him was kind of enjoyable. He was funny and he was what you'd call "Hospitable". He also let me sleep on his bed after finding out I was pregnant.

In summary, he really was someone I could trust...

I still missed everyone back at my old home, but I guess this is my life now. A potential traitor living with an old captive, a disastrous duo, don't you think? Even my plan to live with Color isn't even solid, I'm still embarrassed that I was currently leeching off his house and the only reason he was keeping me was because he was too lazy to cook.

I also needed a plan out a solution for myself if he ends up kicking me out, but I can worry about that later. Anxiety isn't good for fetuses.

I looked around the kitchen, to lessen my boredom i was already experiencing. I looked down and flipped the scrambled eggs with the spatula before taking a deep breath. Looking at big and clear window, I could see the quiet and early morning, the landscape was still new to me but I forced myself to adapt. I turned the induction stove off and placed the scrambled eggs on a plate.

Putting the plate of eggs down on the table, I look up and saw that the rice was done. This cheered me up a bit and I grabbed two plates and two forks and spoons for Color and myself from the cupboard. After I was finished setting up the table, I walked towards the window to slide it open. I was gently grazed by the faint cold breeze, and I poked my head outside. The atmosphere was calm and relaxing, no shouting, no Nightingales singing songs in the trees.

...There were no trees in the area.

I could see children and other monsters wearing school attire, presumably walking to school. The scene made me wonder what my child would going to school look like, with a full backpack on his back and saying goodbye to me and Night...

...Why am I still thinking about him? I asked myself. I sighed out of disappointment.

I still miss him, don't I?

After a moment of silence, I realized that breakfast was barely ready. I didn't rush myself and prepared the rice on the table before walking to the living room to wake Color up.

3rd POV

Color was snoring away on the couch while his blanket and jacket was on the ground. Killer almost laughed at Color's sleeping face when he saw him. Color had saliva dripping from his open mouth and he was sleeping like baby.

To he honest, he looked cute.

Killer approached Color and placed his hand on his arm before lightly shaking Color. "C'mon, Color...wake up." Killer coed. Color didn't want to wake up so stirred in his sleep and turned to the side saying, "A hundred more minutes...".

Killer kept his expression, he looked calm and collected but, in the inside, he was Hella mad. He stood up and took a deep breath before grabbing Color's shirt and pulling it with all of his strength that wasn't that much, but it was enough to pull Color off the couch.

Killer didn't know why he was determined to do something unnecessary, but it felt right for him. Besides his pregnancy hormones was also encouraging him. Color fell onto the floor with a thud before the air inside of him left him breathless. He was finally awake, but he was in pain. Color groaned and sat up, rubbing his skull in the process.

"Owww!!! What'd you do that for?" Color whined like a kid. Killer crossed his arms and pouted before asking "How was your sleep, sleeping beauty?". Color looked up at Killer and pouted his nonexistent lips. Killer's mood swings arrived and he suddenly he laughed sweetly. Color stopped his pouting and smiled; he was glad to see Killer smile.

He felt like diving deep into the sound of Killer's laughter. But he quickly snapped out of his trance when the skeleton with empty eyesockets across him said something along the lines of
"Breakfast is gonna get cold if you don't come quick."

Color stood up and the two of them headed into the kitchen to eat breakfast. It was quiet when they ate their breakfast. Killer was eating the breakfast, slowly but surely he chewed the food into a fine mush before swallowing it. Killer noticed that Color was busy staring at something, like he was deep in thought.

What Killer didn't know was Color was planning to take Killer to the Undersail. If I am correct...It's the AU where pirates and mermaids reside. Color had visited that AU and was met with the loveliest sunset and the refreshing ocean breeze. The stars were brighter than the normal ones since the stars in that AU guided the old sailors if ever lost.

After having breakfast, Color was first to speak up. "Hey Kills," Color said in a gentle voice, Killer hummed in reply and looked up to him. "Have you ever visited Undersail?" Color asked, Killer paused. He had heard of the AU but he never got the chance to visit it. "I've heard of it, but I never went there since I was busy back at the castle."

Color looked at the clock and It was 6:23 AM. This made Color smile which baffled Killer. Undersail's time and Haventale's weren't the same, in fact, it was the complete opposite. If it was nighttime at Undersail it was daytime at Haventale and vice versa.

"Would you like to visit the AU?" Color asked. Killer was surprised, but thinking about it made Killer excited. Killer wasn't really allowed to go out of the castle for entertainment purposes because of his overprotective Ex.

Without anymore thoughts trying to prevent Killer from accepting the offer, Killer gladly replied "Yeah, I'm quite curious about the AU.". Color smiled and said "Well, then It's settled then, go grab some items but not too many, were going now.".

"Huh? Wait, what?!" Killer said in a surprised manner, they were going now? So Early in the morning? Killer still haven't even showered yet! Color chuckled and added "Just grab your phone, we'll be just there for a couple of minutes, since there is only one thing I wanna show you."

Killer stood up and headed towards Color's room, that's where his phone was. Color picked up the empty plates and placed it in the sink before going to the living room.

He waited for Killer and Killer did not disappoint. Walking down the stairs, he grazed his hand on the railings to make sure he wouldn't fall of accidentally. Color just stared at Killer while he walked towards him, a bit of blush dusted his cheekbones but he quickly pulled himself together.

" are we gonna go there?" Killer asked, It wasn't a problem and Color opened a portal. Color gestured to the portal, doing the cliché move from the movies. Killer wasn't flattered but instead he excitedly walked in without any hesitation.

Color was a bit hurt his gesture wasn't appreciated but he stepped in.

He happily looked at Killer as he gasped at the wonders of the AU. The beautiful sunset painted the sky orange and the sun dipped down in the ocean. Little shimmers began to show on the orange canvas indicating the stars never left at all.

Killer admitted that this AU was a place of magnificent beauty but...

He liked Confessiontale more..

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