Chapter 30 - New adjustments

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3rd Pov

The door chimed as a purple skeleton walked in. He walked towards Killer's location and greeted him. Killer greeted him back and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. The purple skeleton was Nightmare, he had come to visit Killer and his son again.

Killer guided him to Rue's table and he was forced to sit there, along with Cross and Epic which brought awkward tension between everyone in the table.

Cross and Epic stared at Nightmare almost trying to hide their shock. Nightmare and Rue looked at eachother and Nightmare smiled awkwardly before greeting "Hello, Rue...My name is Nightmare.".

Rue was in shock, he recognized the name that Epic had mentioned earlier.

"H-hello...uhm..Nightmare." Rue replied before looking away and opening the book. He was trying to ignore Nightmare but this made him more interested to talk to Rue in person.

Nightmare glanced at the cover of Rue's book and realized it was one of the books he had given Killer for his birthday. "Hey is that "The Fox's hide"?" Nightmare asked gently and Rue looks up, he nods and Nightmare scooted closer to see what page Rue was in. "This is actually one of my favorite books written by Finral Sallos." Nightmare said and Rue perked up from Nightmare's statement.

"Wait, are you a big fan of books too?" Rue asked and Nightmare in return, replied "Yeah, I have a whole library of them at home with complete collections of novels and book series.". The two of them looked at eachother with excitement and started talking about books.

Epic and Cross looked at eachother and looked at them as they bonded over books and reading. They were happy to see the father and son actually being friends. Cross took a picture of them and shared the photo with Epic.

Rue and Nightmare were so caught up in their happy friendship that they started reading books Rue brought, together. Rue reading as the Narrator and Nightmare voice acting the characters lines. They laughed and giggled at eachother. Nightmare's voice acting was really funny and wasn't the best but he wasn't embarrassed by it, just happy to be laughing with his son.

Killer glanced at their table and smiled after seeing them happily talking with eachother. Then someone tapped his shoulder and he turned his direction to who touched his shoulder. He was surprised to see the manager but she beckoned him to follow her to the office.

They walked behind the cashier and opened the door to reveal the boss sitting on the desk. The manager delivered Killer inside before leaving Killer to the boss's hands.

Killer gulped, he was cautious around him. He looked at his boss's eyes.

The way he looked at him, it was really disgusting and disturbing.

"Oh, a good afternoon to you Killer or rather the nick name the other staffs call you "The MILF"." He said, giving Killer a disrespectful stare.

Killer tried his best to cover his chest and walked closer. "What do you want, boss?" He asked and he smirks. "I've decided that...with a beautiful body like that will be transferred to my new cafe in UnderLust." His boss replies and this hits Killer like a yacht.

"A-are you serious boss?..." Killer asks in disbelief but he only smiles and said "Well, I've arranged for your transfer. 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and 1000G a day, unless...if you want to stay here, you'll have to give me something, I can do this because you agreed to the terms of the contract y'know.".

Killer was quiet...

"What are the new conditions of that new cafe?" Killer asks and this made his boss chuckle. "Just a new uniform and no animals to take care of.". Killer gulped and asked again "Just that?..". His boss nodded and said "Before you leave this room, you'll need to pick an outfit.".

Killer clentched his fists, this job was the only job that pays decent that could support three people and the bills.

"W-what are my choices sir?" Killer asked and the boss brought 4 dresses. Killer stared in disbelief and gulped, sucking it in.

The first option was a bikini with some pick stripes, the second was a super short and tight dress that revealed your boobas, the third was a crop top and shorts, and the fourth was a bunny costume along with some net stocking.

Killer stared at his options for a few minutes, debating which one had the most coverage. He picked the fourth option and his boss smiled.

"Great choice, Killer. You can now leave, you'll have come back tommorrow to get you used to working at the new cafe." His boss said and Killer quickly rushed to leave the office.

After he was outside, he took a deep breath before cursing under his breath. The cashier glanced at Killer before looking away, she knew what happened. Killer then went back to work with a frown.

With Nightmare, he was reading happily with Rue when a sudden aura of frustration started emitting from Killer..

He looked up to check up on Killer and found him sweeping the floor but he wasn't smiling at all, and his behavior...he wasn't his usual self. Rue noticed the change in the atmosphere and looked up and saw the same thing too.

Cross was asleep and Epic was busy scrolling through TikTok so they didn't know what was happening.

Nightmare excused himself to Rue before walking towards Killer to ask what happened while Rue kept an eye on the two of them.

When Nightmare was close to Killer, he placed his hand in Killer's before asking "Hey what's wrong?". Killer was silent, he grabbed Nightmare's hand and pulled him towards the exit. Nightmare was confused the whole time they were walking outside.

"This needs to be private, Night." Killer says, placing his hands on Nightmare's shoulder. Nightmare only nodded before Killer sighed.

"I wont be working here boss transferred me to UnderLust." Killer said and Nightmare looked at Killer in shock.

"Underlust...? Why?"

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