Chapter 24 - Back home safe

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A/N: I hate how this is Nightkiller fan and Colorkill fan friendly even though the Colorkill is onesided-

Killer was sitting in the bathtub in Nightmare's bathroom. He was soaking there while looking at the warm water. He took a deep breath and let it out. He was enjoying the bath time, the warm water and fragrant bubbles made him feel a little bit better.

"Hey, Night..." Killer called while scooping some water and throwing it on his face. "Yes, Love?" Nightmare replied outside the door, he was preparing Killer's clothes. Turns out, Nightmare washed Killer's clothes that got left behind "earlier" and it was already dry so Killer could use them again.

Killer blushed a bit by the way Nightmare already called him, and asked in a polite tone "Can I borrow a towel?". "Sure." Nightmare replies without hesitation and grabs one of his towels, and enters the bathroom. He places it on the sink and Killer thanks him before he left.

Killer got up and walked towards the sink. Grabbing the towel and drying himself with it. The bathroom was a bit slippery after he got from the bath so he made sure to walk cautiously. He unplugs the drain of the bathtub before walking out of the bathroom covering himself with the towel.

He sees Nightmare sitting on his bed while looking at his phone. He could see a bit of blush on Nightmare's cheeks and it made Killer chuckle a bit. "O-oh...Kills, your clothes are" Nightmare says while putting down his phone and handing Killer the clothes while trying to look away. Killer thought it was cute so he gently placed his hand on Nightmare's cheek and made him face him.

Nightmare blushed even more and Killer accepted the clothing. Both of them didn't realize it yet but they were getting closer to eachother and were almost about to kiss when the door randomly opens and Dream happily greets his brother.

Dream pauses and blushes out of embarrasment when he saw Killer and Nightmare were about to makeout. Killer turned into a cherry and tried to cover his face with the clothes he was holding, but Nightmare looked at his brother in anger. Dream apologizes profusely before running out of the room and shutting the door behind him. Nightmare sighs and Killer pulls his arm down.

"I can't believe he still acts like a child.." Nightmare says and falls on the bed. Killer awkwardly laughs, subtlely disagreeing with Nightmare's statement.

He turns around and dresses up as Nightmare watches him from the bed. Nightmare's thoughts wondered to what was his son doing now and he hopes that he was doing well.

"Night, I need to go back now. Color and Rue are worried by now." Killer says while looking at Nightmare. Nightmare sits up and stretches his back before getting up. "I want a kiss first, tho'." Nightmare says casually, not really expecting anything bit was surprised when Killer pulls him closer and kissed him on the lips.

After the two parted, Nightmare smiled and Nightmare teleports them to an alleyway close to Killer's house. Killer hugs Nightmare before saying "Thanks Night.". Nightmare blushes and Killer runs back to his house.

Nightmare smiles before teleporting away, happy of what he was able to do for Killer.

Killer ran towards his house and saw Color and Rue talking in front of the house. He calls out for Color and Rue, and both of them turn to look at killer. Color was shocked to see Killer while Rue was excited. Killer jumped on Color and Color hugged back "Thanks for taking care of Rue..." Killer says dearly.

Color blushed and smiled, "I'm glad you're okay buddy." He said and Killer pulled away and carried Rue up. "Mom! I m-missed you *sniffles* where have you been?!" Rue says while hugging his mother.

Color took a look at Killer's outfit and realized that he was wearing something else..

The outfit he wore to Queen Booze.

"Uhm...Kills, what happened to my turtle-neck?" He asks and Killer pauses...

"Color, Rue is here..." Killer whispers and Color got a rough sketch about what happened. The three of them decided to get inside the house and both the adults locked up the house.

Killer and Color decided to sleep in one room to make sure no more "incidents" would happen so Killer and Rue grabbed a couple pillows and headed to Color's room. It was also to make sure Rue felt a bit better after what happened earlier.

Killer, Color, and Rue decided to play some games before bed and they settled on uno but it turned into a pillow fight then to building forts. Killer was happy to spend very valuable time with Rue and so did Color.

While Color was laying inside a fort Rue made out of pillows, Killer was laughing outside because it made Color look a bit childish when Rue pushed his mom forward and Killer accidentally fell on the fort. Color's breath left him for a moment but when he tossed the pillows aside, he saw Killer on top of him, his face on his chest. Color blushed and froze while Killer stood up and apologized to Color and scold Rue.

Rue didn't mind it cuz' he actually snapped a photo of it on Color's phone. Killer sighed, his son was really cheeky. Killer chased Rue around with a pillow and Rue giggled. Color sat up and smiled as he saw Killer and Rue playing. He decided he wanted to be apart of it and he glanced at his blanket and grabbed it before catching Rue and Killer and covering themselves with the blanket.

"Color you big cheater!" Killer said while laughing but Color smiled. Rue pulled some of the blanket up and saw his mother and Color talking like he imagined they would.

He smiled at it but suddenly he yawned, this caught Killer's attention and he grabbed Rue as Rue tried to resist.

"Time to sleep, young man." Killer said and pulled the covers down and placed Rue on Color's bed. Color looks at both of them and he helps Killer tuck Rue to bed. "Kid you gotta sleep now so you can wake up early to read that...dragons gamler?" Color said playfully, "It's Dragon's Chamber dad!" Rue whines and Killer added "Well..the Dragon needs to sleep now.".

Rue pouts and closes his eyes, finally listening to his mother. Killer happily smiles and kisses Rue on the forehead before saying "Good night."

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