Chapter 28 - From Rue's perspective

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3rd Pov

Rue held the book in his hands, he was reading rather...a mature book for his age. There was a lot of gory scenes and toxic love but he didn't mind, he loved the plot.

A woman, being fought over by two men and those two men using dirty tactics. Kidnapping, killing, and gaslighting, y'know the not so suitable for children stuff just to try to be united with the woman forever.

When Rue finished the book, he looked around the cafe, looking for his mother. When he found his mom, he was currently occupied with serving some dishes and handing out menus.

Rue stared at the book's cover and sighed, he placed the book inside his bag and brought out a new one from his bag and placed it on the table.

He stared at it for a while...

He was still in thought, even though Killer thinks that Rue dealt with the news quite okay but in reality Rue was a bit hurt.

Rue's POV

I just can't believe it, my dad isn't actually my father?


I just wanna understand a bit of things. So ever since mom went missing, he acted a bit off after. Then some guy just appeared and i think my mother is in love with him. My mother is unknowingly playing with dad's feelings. I think mom got kidnapped but returned safely.

The other things that happened isn't relevant now but...Color not being my biological father is a shock for me. I know we didn't look alike, but I never even had a thought that I wasn't his child.

He cared for me and grew up with me, he was there in my 1st birthday and he was the one I played catch with. He was always smiling, always happy with my mom, and he never once made me feel like I wasn't his son. He made mom so happy and we even have a family photo.

To think that I wasn't even his biological son made me even happier because I knew he truly loved me as one of his own.

But mom just confuses me at times. Sometimes his expression doesn't follow his feelings and I act like there was nothing wrong. Sometimes when we go home, he would happily smile like he received a bonus but his aura gave off "stressed and frustrated" vibes and that always made me sad.

I even caught him crying on dad in the living room a few months ago.

Mom loved dad as a bestfriend while dad loved him like a crush but was force to love mom like a bestfriend too so it wouldn't be weird.

The weird mix of unrequited love, happiness, sadness, and relationship issues and holes just doesn't really sit right with me and it sometimes put a weird feeling deep inside my none-existent stomach.

But still, I'm curious... who's my father? Mom never answered my question at home...

I'm just imagining what he was like. I bet he's someone bad... he probably abandoned mom for someone else or something. But then again, maybe he died? But...Mom never mentioned him ever. Why did he do that though?

It was kind of suspicious given that Mom never spoke of him like ever. But...about the black figure.

Mom said not to tell Color about him and told me to stay away from him..and he kinda looked a bit like me.

Wait a minute, was he my father?

Haha couldn't be, it possibly COULDN'T! But that could explain why mom didn't want me near him..did he hurt mom or did he just come crawling to his son and possibly mom to get back with us after abandoning us?

The sound of door chimes interrupted my thoughts and I looked at who came in, It was a weird chess colored guy and a purple skeleton?

They looked around and spotted someone, their friend I guess. I looked around to find my mom and I saw the black and white guy run to my mom saying "duudee!!!".

This ticked me off but I stayed in silence, watching where this was going. He hugged mom and my mom surprisingly hugged back.

They talked about something and my mom blushed and chuckled a bit. The purple guy with him followed the white and black guy and the three of them continued talking about something then the black and white guy pulled out his phone and showed mom something.

The purple guy was laughing a bit and my mom enjoyed their company. The black and white guy started getting emotional with mom and I didn't like it.

I got off my seat and walked towards mom, I tugged on his skirt and acted all innocent. They stopped and stared at me and the black and white guy exclaimed "Holy shit, he looks just like Nightmare!". My mom slapped his face and said "Cross, watch your tongue this is my kid.".

"Sorry..." Cross said and I looked at the purple guy, he had a scar on one of his eye sockets and he smiled at me. "Wow, Kills. He's really cute like you." He says casually, I knew it was a simple complement but...I just didn't like him.

"Mom, I don't like this grape guy." I said and hid behind mom. Mom started to chuckle and the "Cross" guy laughed at the purple guy's face.

"Holy cheese, Epic, you just got roasted by a kid!" Cross said and "Epic" got a little flustered.

"Sweetie, I forgot to introduce you but this cow colored guy is Cross and pfft- "grape guy" is Epic, they're my friends." Mom said and I looked at both of them.

They were still in a funny mood but I glared at them and put on a "scary" face. They looked at me fearfully and I laughed after seeing their scared faces.

"Oh my god, he is Nightmare's son..." Epic says and Cross replies "No crap sherlock.".

That's were I realized, did they know my father?

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