The next day, y/n's pov

I woke up the next day and i remembered what happend the night before. I slightly smile at myself. I stretched and i stood up from my make-shift bed.

I grabbed a few fruits that Spider had picked for me the night before. I sat back down on my make-shift bed and i started eating the fruits.

After i ate the fruits i stood up again. I decided to read the book again because why not. I wanted to read it for a pretty long time anyway. I decided to read it from the beginning as i forgot where i was.

After about 2 hours of reading i decided to go on a walk through the forest, i was getting thirsty anyway. I placed a leaf in my book to know where i was if i want to read the book more.

So i stood up after i put my book away. I walked to my make-shift door and opened it, i walked outsode and closed my make-shift door. I started to walk towards the lake to drink a little bit of water.

After about 5 minutes i arrived at the lake. I sat down on both my knees and i scooped some water in my hands and i drunk the water from my hands. I stood up once i drank all of the water that i scooped up.

I felt something being thrown at my head. I turned around and saw Spider with his Na'vi friend Lo'ak. "What are you guys doing here? Did you guys follow me around or something?" I said as i was shocked that they were here.

"No, no, no! We didn't follow you, we just came here to get some water" Lo'ak said. I slowly nodded because i didn't believe him at all. "Okay, we kind of followed you because we saw you walking" Lo'ak said as he flattend his ears slightly

"It is fine, just don't follow me anymore" i said as i walked past them to search for the Thanator that i have called my guardian for 8 years. I felt someone grab my arm. I look quickly look at the person or Na'vi that has grabbed my arm.

I saw that Spider followed me into the forest a bit, we were far enough from Lo'ak so he couldn't hear us. "What are you doing!" I said kind of annoyed. I pulled my arm away from his grip.

"Calm down, i just wanted to know where you were going" Spider said. "Why do you want to know? It is none of your business" i said still annoyed. "I know that it is none of my business, but i still want to know since the forest can be dangerous" Spider said.

"I have lived here long enough to know the dangers of the forest" i said. "Wait- how long have you lived here?" Spider asked. "I am not going to tell you" i said as i began walking away from Spider again.

Spider walked after me again. I got pretty mad at him. I turned around and faced Spider. "Stop following me!!" I shouted at his face. He put his hands up. I walked away from him again. This time Spider looked at me while i walked away from him.

Lo'aks pov

"I going to go after her, you stay here, i'll be right back" Spider told me. I nodded. I walked towards the water, i scooped some up in my hands and drank it.

After about 10 minutes i heard slight talking. I decided to check it out. I saw the girl saying something to Spider then walking away from him. Spider followed her and she turned around.

I think she is mad. Then she started shouting. "Stop following me!!" The girl shouted at Spider. Spider put up his hands and the girl walked away. Spider watched as the girl walked away from our sights.

"What was that about?" I asked as i walked over to Spider and stood next to him. "She shouted at me, she is mad at me for following her" Spider said. "She is never going to trust is she" i said.

Spider let his head fall and turned around to walk towards the lake. I walked behind him. "Have you found out her name yet?" I asked. Spider opened his mouth to talk but quickly shut it and shook his head.

"You do know her name, don't you" i said. Spider sighed. "Yeah, i do know her name, but i promised her not to tell you her name" Spider said. "Why can't i know her name?" I asked confused.

"Because she doesn't trust you" Spider said. "Wait, so if you know her name, she trusts you?!" I said jealously. "She doesn't trust me at all! She trusts me enough for me to know her name since i brought her some food last night" Spider said.

"Why did you go to her last night?" I asked. "Because i couldn't sleep! And i decided to take a walk since i couldn't sleep, and i thought, why not go see the girl, then i grabbed some fruit since i saw them, i picked them for a sign of peace, so she could atleast trust me a little bit" Spider explained.

I look at him wide eyed. "You gave her food?! Did that help?" I asked. "Yes i did give her food, no it did not help at all, i dropped her food on the ground when she came at me with her knife" Spider said. "She wanted to attack you?" I asked.

"No, she didn't want to attack, she was protecting herself, nothing else, plus she let me in her little hut because she saw that i was cold i guess" Spider said. "She let you in her little hut?!!" I asked very confused.

"Yeah? She did, not that it matters-" Spider said but got cut of. "Lo'ak! Spider! Are you guys there?!!" I heard someone say. It sounded like Jake. "Yeah!" I said as i turned to the noise. I saw my father walk out the trees.

"I have been trying to gind you guys for 20 min! Where have you guys been!" Jake said. "We were here the entire time sir" i said. "Okay, well come on, we are going home, Spider needs to eat and you need to help your mother make food" Jake said as he walked away. I groan. "Let's go Spider" i said as i walked after my father.

I hope you guys like it so far, please click on the star so i know you guys like the story.

(1118 words)

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