Y/n's pov

I was walking through the forest with Spider and Jake. Jake was walking up front while me and Spider were behind him. It was a comfortable silence if i be honest. I could walk in this silence all day long if i had to.

"Y/n, what are your parents names?" Jake asked. "Sophia Smith and and Benjamin Smith, why?" i said. "Okay, i just wanted to know so my friend at the lab can look into it" Jake said and said something while holding his neck. "Whats your friends name then?" I asked. "Norm Spellman" Jake said. I nodded and just kept quiet.

I think i have hear of the name before but i don't really remember. I just kept walking behind them until i saw the lab come in to my sighting. "Is this it?" I asked. "Yup" Spider said. Jake and Spider entered the lab and Spider held the door open for me as i walked in.

Spider took of his exo-pack and placed it on a table. "Hey Jake, hey Spider" i heard someone say. The person who said that walked over and held out his hand for me to shake. "Norm Spellman" Norm said. I just stood there avoiding eye contact with him. I didn't want to shake his hand.

Norm let his hand fall to his side and whispered something to Jake as i kept avoiding eye contact. I didn't hear what they were saying. But i knew that they were talking about me. I then felt someome grab my arm and i look up to see Spider looking at me while holding my arm.

"Come on, follow me" Spider said. I nodded and Spider walked while still holding on to my arm. Spider opened a door and there was a bed. Just a bed, well it was a bunk bed, but there is nothing else in the room. "This is where i sleep every night" Spider said. "Okay? And?" I said sarastically.

"You don't have to be so sarcastic about it" Spider said as he rolled his eyes. I playfully slapped his arm and i sat on his bed. Spider sat next to me. "Why did you hit me? That hurt" he said as he played to be hurt. "Because you rolled your eyes, and we both know that it didn't hurt" i said.

He chuckled. "Fine, it didn't hurt, but you didn't have to do that" he said. Now it was my time to roll my eyes. Spider chuckled. "Spider, come here for a moment" i heard someone say. "I'll be right back" Spider said as he walked out of the bedroom.

Spider's pov

I walked over to Norm who called me. "You asked for me?" I asked Norm. "Yeah, we have found stuff about y/n" Norm said. "Tell em about it" i said. Norm nodded. "Okay so, she was born on Pandora, her parents are on earth, her parents left her in the forest all alone when she was 6 years old, she has been all alone until you and Lo'ak found her" Norm said.

"How old is she now?" I asked. "Right now she is 14 but she will turn 15 soon, i think in about 14 weeks" Norm said. "Maybe i have the same birthday as her" i said. "Maybe, maybe not, i don't really know" Norm said obviusly not really caring.

"You can go back to- what was her name again? Oh yeah, y/n, so i can tell Jake these things about her" Norm said. I nodded and headed back to my bedroom. I open my bedroom door and i see y/n asleep on my bed.

I guess she heard me since her eyes opened the second i closed my door softly. She looked at me and rubbed her eyes and put a hand infront of her mouth as she yawned. I chuckled. "Sorry, the bed is comfortable" y/n said. "It's fine, you can sleep" i said.

I walked over to her as she moved from her laying posision to a sitting posision. "I mean, it's your bed, i can't sleep in your bed" she said. I shook my head. "No, it is fine, if i would be tired i could always just sleep on the other bed above this one" i said as i tapped the bed that was hovering the bed y/n was sitting on.

"Yeah, okay thats true" she said. "I feel like that there us a but coming" i said. She chuckled. "No, not this time" she said. I smiled and decided to sit next the her. Not even 10 seconds later she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Are you tired?" I asked. I felt her head move in the motion of a nod. "You can sleep and you know that" i said. It came out a little harsh. "Didn't mean for that to come out harsh, sorry" i said. She didn't answer me so i tried to look at y/n to only see her sleeping on my shoulder.


(868 words)

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