Y/n's pov

I saw that Spider was a little dissapointed in me leaving, but i'll make it up to him later, anyway, i currently have caught some fish for the Viperwolf pup and i had picked some fruit for me.

We'll get to the relationship part with Spider, at one point...

I was currently walking back to my little hut, don't worry, nothing happens, you might want action like a random Viperwolf or a Great Leonopteryx to attack, but no, it's safe for now.

Btw the Great Leonopteryx is that dragon that *tries* to attack Jake and Neytiri while they were flying with Bob and Seze (Jake's and Neytiri's Ikrans)

Anyway, i arrived at my little hut and i walked in, first the Viperwolf pup growled but then saw it was me and stopped growling, i think she realised that i want to help her and not hurt her.

I saw her sniffing the air as i placed the fruit for myself on the ground and i don't even know if they eat fish, but it's good enough for now, i don't want to give her big meals because she is still small.

So yeah, i cut up the fish and i layed it in front of the pup and i plave my fruits somewhere else where she can't reach, thwn i went back outside and brought my knife.

I walked for a little while and then got to a tree where i almost always cut off leafes to heal myself, even the leafes thar are around my chest is from these kind of trees.

Anyway, enough explaining, i climbed up and go pretty high because the smallest leafes are at the top of the tree, so i go about to the middle and cut 2 leafes and i carefully climb back down the tree.

I then walk back to my little hut and i move my make-shift door to the side and i walk in while dragging the leafes inside, i lay the leafes down and close my make-shift door and i sit down beside the Viperwolf pup.

I then grabbed a self-made healing crème that i made that actually works aswell, since i used it on myself aswell when i get a cut or wound on my body, it really does work since i only have the smallest scars left.

I don't know if it will fix a broken or fractured bone, but we'll try it anyway. I grab a leaf and put some of my self-made healing crème on it, i then gently grab the leg of the Viperolf pup and i gently lay the leaf with crème on it's leg.

I then wrap it around the leg and 1 leaf is actually enough to wrap up the leg, but i am going to wrap the other onea round the leg aswell so the leaf with the healing crème doesn't fall off.

When i wrapped it up, the pup seemed a little happier then she did before i wrapped her up. I then heard a stick break. "Y/n? Are you here?" I heard someone say. I looked at the Viperwolf pup and quickly got my knife and walked out to see Neteyam.

"Calm down, i'm not going to hurt you" Neteyam said. My eyes widend slightly and i put my knife away, no i didn't throw it in the little hut, i put it in a holster or whatever i call it that is hidden in my clothing. The skirt to be exact.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Neteyam shrugged. "I don't really know, i guess i want to say sorry for being rude to you a couple of days ago" Neteyam said as he looked at me to see how idd react.

"You are here for that? I don't care, it's fine" i said with a small chuckle. "Okay good" Neteyam said with a chuckle. "Are you going to the lab or home or are you staying here?" I ask.

"I don't know, i guess i'll go see Spider, bye" Neteyam said with a small wave as he walked away. "Bye" i said and stood there very akward until he was out of sight. I sigh and walk back i side my little hut and i decide to rest a little bit.


I have huge stage fright so i guess i'll fail the presantation.

(750 words)

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