Spider's pov

I never thought that i would pet a Thanator, like never. Y/n explained how the Thanator kind of raised her as her own, and how the Thanator thought i was hurting y/n, and thats why she came running towards us, but it's fine nie.

Now, i am laying in bed, thinking about the day, y/n is laying on the bunk bed below me. Probably sleeping since she said that she was tired. I am not tired so i was thinking about today's events like i just did.

Anyway, i don't know how y/n came here since she hasn't told me, and thats fine i guess, she also hasn't told me how long she has been here, i guess she has been here all her life since baby's can't be put in a cryo.

I heard movement from the bunk below me. I quickly close my eyes and pretend that i am sleeping. "Spider, i know you are awake, stop pretending" i heard y/n whisper. I sigh and open my eyes and look down from my bed to look at y/n who is already looking at me.

"Alright, you caught me, anyway, why are you awake?" I asked. "I could ask you the same" y/n said. "Fair point" i said. To remind you, i am now hanging upside down from the top bunk bed to look at y/n.

Y/n's pov

I wonder if Spider is comfortable while hanging upside down to look at me, actually no, i couldn't care less about that. "Why are you awake tho?" I asked Spider.

"Can't sleep, you?" Spider said as he cocked his head to the side a little bit. To be honest, that looked cute. "I was sleeping, but i woke up and i somehow knew you weren't asleep" i said. Its true, i was asleep and something in my gut told me that he was still awake.

Then i got a random idea in my head. "Want to go outside? You know, like on a walk outside" i asked Spider. "Yeah i know what you mean, and sure, i have nothing better to do" Spider said. "Sleeping" i stated.

Spider chuckled. "Touché" he said. I don't know if i spelled that right, but who cares, you guys know what i meant by it. (I hope)

I climbed out of bed and walked on my tippytoes towards the door. Spider got out of bed aswell and followed. "You don't have to be so quiet, when these people sleep, they won't easily wake up" Spider said.

When he said that i stopped walking on my tippytoes and walked normally to the door. I heard Spider softly chuckling behind me. He grabbed a exo-pack for himself and we both head outside.

Spider got goosbumps from the cold not even 1 second after we opened the door to go outside. "You cold?" I asked. I wasn't cold since i am used to it, for me, it was like a light breeze.

"No, not at all" Spider said. I chuckled and shook my head slightly as we walked in silence. I the suddenly started running to see what Spider would do. He ran after me with a confused look on his face.

"Y/n! Why are you running?" I heard Spider yelling confused as he was quite the distance away from me. I decided to just randomly climb up a tree to see if Spider can climb a tree.

I was still running until i saw the tree that i always climb up on. I started to climb and not even 20 seconds later, i am sitting on the only branch the tree had, that was also pretty high up. I saw Spider carefully climbing the tree as he looked around to try to find me.

Once he saw me he climbed a little faster and after 30 seconds, he was sitting beside me while breathing heavily. "How are... you so fast?" Spider asked in between breaths.

"I just am i guess" i said with a shrug. "Can i ask you something personal?" Spider asked. "Sure" i said.

I know that this is a very short chapter, but i am on a long road road trip and i don't have internet at all, so i'll publish this and i'll come back later when i have wifi.

(732 words)

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