Neteyam's pov

I can't believe that Spider brought her here! What if she is dangerous or something. I don't trust her, she looks nice but is just don't trust her, yet. Spider seems to be in love with her, if he is happy then i guess i should start to learn how to trust her.

Y/n's pov

This got akward very fast... i see Neytiri walk back to Jake and i see Neteyam still looking at me. I got very uncomfortable so i just started to walk away akwardly. I felt someone grab my arm and softly tug on it. Me having quick reflexes, i turn around and twist their arm so that they let go of my arm.

I let go as fast as i could once i notice it was Spider. "Remind me not to get on your bad side" Spider said with a slight chuckle while moving his shoulder around. "Sorry, instant reflex, so i suggest to not sneak up to me anymore" i said with a slight chuckle.

"Anyway, where are you going?" Spider asked. "Well i mean, i thought it was akward so i started to just head home i guess" i said. "Okay, i'll admit it, that was akward indeed, but why are you going to the lab?" Spider asked. "Who said that the lab is my home after i slept in it for one night" I said.

He shrugged. I started to walk away again but Spider grabbed my arm again. "Can i come with you?" He asked. "I don't know, can you?" I said in a slightly sarcastic tone as Spider let go of my arm. Spider just stayed quiet while looking at me.

I just walked away, i knew Spider was following me from a distance but i was fine with it. We arrived at my little hut after about 30 minutes. I opened my make-shift door and walked inside. Spider walked in not long after and he closed my make-shift door.

Spider sat down where i sat when he first came here. Je was fiddling with his fingers. I sighed and sat down next to him as i rested my head on his shoulder. Spider tensed up but relaxed soon after.

I noticed he was still fiddling with his fingers so i put my hand over his so he would stop. I didn't notice that he was looking at me. But i took my hand away from his when i noticed he stopped fiddling with them.

Spider's pov

It was a very akward 30 minute walk to her hut. No words were spoken. But now we arrived at her hut after 30 minutes and she walked in to her hut. I walked in after and i closed the make-shift door. I sat down in the corner of the hut next to the little window.

I started to fiddle with my hands as i didn't know whag to say. I notice y/n came over to me and sat next to me. Then she put her head on my left shoulder. I tensed up but i relaxed soon after. I was still fiddling with my hands but  y/n put her hand on mine to stop my from fiddling with my hands.

I did stop riddling with my hands as i was now looking at her. She then took her hand away from mine while i was still looking at her. I couldn't see much other then her hair. Then she looked up at me and i just kept staring.

She had beautiful (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. By her face features, she looked relaxed. She looked away again and i swear that i could see a blush on her face.

(h/c) means hair color and (e/c) mean eye color.

We just sat there in a comfortable silence. I noticed that y/n's breathing slowed down. I think she was sleeping. I tried to take a better look at her face and i noticed she was actually sleeping.

It looked cute. She looked so peacefull while sleeping. I carefully layed her down on my lap. I started to play with her hair once she was laying down on my lap. I can swear to Eywa that i was blushing. My face was probably red.

But thats fine since she is asleep and can't see it. I yawned. I felt my eyes wanting to close, but i resisted the urge to fall asleep right now since i wanted to stay awake and watch over her. But sleep took over as i fell asleep while leaning my back against the wall.


(814 words)

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