Y/n's pov

Yes i fell asleep on Spider's shoulder, i hope it is alright with him. Anyway, i woke up after abour 2 hours or something. I was laying down, and i didn't see Spider. So i got out of the comforatble bed and stood on my tippytoes to look at the bed that was above the one i was sleeping on.

I didn't see Spider there aswell, i kind of panicked since i don't know the lab and i don't know the way to anywhere in this building. I just decided to walk towards the door. I opened the door and i walked out of the bedroom, ofcource i closed the door behind me.

I walked around for a moment until i saw some people. I recognize only one of them, i believe his name was Norm. I guess he heard me because he turned around. "Hello y/n, how are you?" He asked. "I am fine, where is Spider?" I asked.

"He is outside with Lo'ak and Kiri" Norm said. "If he comes here, tell him that i am at the lake" i said. "Sure" Norm said before going back to what he was doing. I walked out of the door and i closed it since these humans can't breathe the air of Pandora like i can. I walk past my hut and i decided to stop for a moment.

I open my make-shift door and i looked around for a moment. My eyes land on my painting of the Viperwolfs and i smile for a second before i walk out and close my make-shift door. I walk towards the lake and i sit down while facing the water.

I sat there for atleast 1 hour just staring at the lake before someone sat next to me without me noticing. "What are you staring at?" I heard someone say. I got spooked and looked to my left so fast that i swore i could have gotten whiplash.

"Spider, don't scare me" i said while looking at him. "Norm said you would be here" Spider said. "Then he was correct, i am here right? Or am i not?" I said sarcastically as i rolled my eyes and looked back at the water. Spider shoved me slightly. I fell on my side dramatically. "Don't roll your eyes at me" he said. I layed on my back. Spider layed next to me.

I have no inspiration to write at the moment sorry

I felt eyes on me so i look to my left and i saw Spider looking at me. He looked away from me and i saw him blushing. "What are you looking at me for?" I said as i sat up. Spider sat up aswell. "S-sorry! I didn't mean to stare at you, you are just really pretty" Spider said.

Now it was my turn to blush. I look away from him and i look towards the water. "You are pretty, y/n, i mean it" Spider said. "What do you normally do when you are not in the lab?" I asked. I completely ignored his 'you are pretty' thing because i might be the only human girl that he has ever seen. And because i like him so, yeah.

"I- uhm- i normally just hang out with the Sully's, it is fun, you should come with me, to play with the Sully's, and you could come with me to meet the Omaticaya clan, ams you can meet Tsahik aswell" Spider said. My eyes widend. "Nope! No i am good, i don't need to meet Tsahik, i am doing just about fine!" I said.


I was walking through the forest and i saw a clan, they looked nice so i approached them. "Hello" i said in Na'vi. They all looked at me like they had seen a ghost or something. Then they made a weird noise and i guess their Tsahik came. "Oel Ngati Kameie" i said. It means 'i see you' in Na'vi. I also did the bow thing with it to show that i am not here to harm.

The Tsahik looked at me and hissed. I don't know why she hissed, i was being friendly right? I then saw a few Na'vi on direhorses and the came running at me. I ran away as fast as i could. They had very long knifes, like a large blade and the blade was on a long stick. It was like a sword, but longer. I got cut a few times on my back. I fell on the ground and a Thanator jumped infront of me.

She was hissing at the Na'vi on the Direhorses. The direhorses reared up and ran the other way while bucking the Na'vi people off their backs. The Thanator turned around and faced me before bowing her head and walking over to me slightly. She helped me up with the help of her 'queue' i thanked her and she allowed me to jump on her back.

The Na'vi looked in fear as they watch me sit on the Thanator that is walking away from the Na'vi people.

End of memorie

I saw Spider waving his hands in my face, he was also almost sitting on my legs. I slapped his hands away from me. "Finally, i said your name like 20 times and you didn't answer me" Spider said. I cleared my throat and i scoot out from underneath Spider. "Right, sorry, i had to get your attention somehow" Spider said.

"It's fine" i said. "What were you thinking about?" Spider asked. "Nothing" i said. "You not replying to me says different" Spider said. "Fine, i was thinking about something from the past, nothing to worry about" i said. "What did you think about from the past?" Spider asked.

"I don't have to tell you" i said. "But i want to know" Spider said. "And i am not going to tell you" i said as i stood up. I started to walk away but ofcource Spider had to take my wrist.

I am not funny, i know

"Please tell me" Spider said. " no, I don't want to, and you are not going to force it out of me" i said. "Does it have to do with the scars on your back?" Spider asked. "What?! What in the world do you mean by that?!" I said.

Cliffhanger? Idk, i am not good at this shit, i really had no inspiration at all for this chapter, thats why it came a week late.

(1100 words)

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