Chapter 15: Anticipation

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It was the day before the exam, and Izuku was going through his day of work at the café on auto-pilot, only vaguely aware of taking and making orders. His mind was currently too busy in overdrive to process the outside world.

He had already made plans for his work schedule so that he would work in the mornings until classes, then sleep after school before patrol (luckily, he had saved up a lot of money over the years and could afford to cut down on his hours). But he was still worried about them, UA, finding out his identity, either one that is.

If they found out he was Rabbit, they would definitely kick him out and probably arrest him. Sure, he legally couldn't be charged with vigilantism due to not having a quirk, but they might be able to make up some charges like assault or resisting arrest. Maybe even assaulting heroes and police with glitter bombs. Once they knew he was quirkless, they would either let him go, thinking he wasn't a threat, or they would pull some kind of bullshit since society really couldn't care less about people like him.

It would be especially bad if they found out about his fake name. After he had made 'Midoriya Izuku' move to America, he had hacked and edited his files so that he was recently deceased, having died in a villain attack with his dad in America.

For good measure, Izuku even hacked some American servers to place the minimum information just in case someone checked. Better to be paranoid and safe then caught, but still, knowing what he did about the rat satan of UA made Izuku weary.

And to make things even more complicated, he had recently begun to play chess with the said chimera. A few months ago, he had downloaded an online chess game on his phone to play when he was bored. It had been fun, but he usually won without much issue. What can he say? He was just great at planning and thinking ahead.

But recently, he had a new challenger. They had many matches after their first one where Izuku lost, much to his own excitement, and a week ago, he basically got confirmation that his 'friend' was indeed Nezu. If the name 'RatOverlord' wasn't obvious enough, Izuku had asked about his job after one of their matches. He said he was in education but wasn't a teacher. So yeah, he was UA's principle.

Now, Izuku had to also avoid the chimera at school just in case. Great.

His thoughts were cut short by a gentle hand resting on his shoulder. He looked up to see his manager, Yui, face twisted in concern.

"You alright?"

He nodded, still slightly out of it.

She sighed, "The entrance exam is tomorrow, isn't it?"

Once again, he nodded and managed to answer, "yes"

"Well, the café isn't very busy, and your shift is almost up anyways, so you can head out for today. You should try and get some rest before tomorrow."

As much as Izuku tried to convince her that he was fine and wanted to work, she insisted. After she called out how tired he looked and the fact that it made her worried, he had relented and headed back home with a sleepy Sushi almost 2 hours early.

It was 11am when he arrived. Entering his house, he moved to sit down at the table, plopping into the stiff wooden chair. With a sigh, he unwrapped his sandwich that Yui had resolutely made him take and began to nibble on it.

Upon hearing the crinkling of the plastic wrap, Sushi immediately left his shoulders and jumped onto the table. She began to mew and chip at him, begging for some of his sandwich.

Izuku smiled while rolling his eyes. Feeding her some of the fish inside while taking larger bites himself, Izuku was soon heading off to his room.

He technically could do some work since it was almost only noon, but he suddenly felt exhausted. Three days of no sleep and lots of coffee apparently catches up to you. After quickly changing into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, Izuku flopped into his bed, passing out after only a few seconds.

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