Chapter 25: Gearing Up

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Everything was fine- actually, things were amazing. Yes, Nezu knew he was Bunny, but he never mentioned Rabbit. Which meant that somehow he hadn't connected them (doubtful) or he knew and wasn't doing anything about it which... was actually fine with Izuku.

He wasn't being arrested and if keeping it secret entertained Nezu to the point of not mentioning it to anyone, then that's even better because that meant he no longer would have to worry about the rat ratting him out.

Point being, Izuku was fine with Nezu knowing his secret identity since nothing was being done about it. And knowing Nezu? There was no way he had not realized Bunny, Rabbit, and Izuku were one in the same. No way.

So what did Izuku do when confronted?

He had enjoyed his tea and chess games with the rat before heading home of course.

~ ~ ~

(Hitoshi POV)

The second day back from the whole USJ and Hitoshi thought things were going pretty well all things considered. The other students did glance and whisper about them but he couldn't totally blame them. A villain attack on school grounds was huge.

But he certainly wasn't expecting this bullshit.

Outside of the door of the classroom, students, mainly from general education and 1-B, were crowded around. He vaguely remembers some teachers scattering them yesterday. Looks like they didn't get the same luxury today.

Some dude with silver hair had been speaking before another 1-B student with blond hair pushed to the front and began mocking them.

"...our class wouldn't have let so much damage happen..."

Hitoshi frowned as the blue-eyed blond and 1-A very own red-eyed blond argued for a moment. Bakugo was surprisingly tame and reasonable (not technically yelling wow) which was strange, but he was still picking a bit of a fight. Not that Hitoshi blamed him, they were technically 'traumatized kids' and this kind of taunting could hurt them. Well, the other students, Hitoshi had seen a lot for his age after all. His best friend was literally a vigilante.

"...don't get so cocky just because you got lucky with a chance-"

And that was enough.

Before Bakugo could storm through the crowd or make another remark, Hitoshi pushed to the front of the class, facing down the small mob. He almost laughed with how he towered over the blond 1-B kid who he quickly cut off.

"Lucky?" The voices all stopped as his relatively quiet voice slowly dripped with venom. "Why do you think we would be lucky? Or cocky for that matter? Clearly you aren't suited to be a hero if this is how you respond to victims of a villain attack."

The boy open his mouth, face slightly flushed in anger, but Hitoshi wasn't done. "Are you saying that we were lucky to almost die? That watching our teacher put his life on the line and almost lose it for us was lucky? Tell me- if you become a hero, will you blame your own lack of value during a mission on another hero being 'luckier' than you when they almost die for the cause?"

At this point, everyone was listening, even Bakugo was strangely silent behind him. Hitoshi doesn't know why he was so mad, but maybe it had to do with the things he heard from Izuku or the things he has seen when he had been kicked out by foster families on occasion. Perhaps, it was because he didn't have the luxury of seeing the world and heroes in the rose-tinted way society tries to since he was four.

And there was more he could say, but his anxiety was starting to realize what he was doing and he needed to leave, preferably to get a hug from Izuku and forget this ever happened.

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