Chapter 17: Exam

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After waving goodbye to Hitoshi, Izuku made his way towards where the first exam would take place. It was the standard test that everyone had to take, regardless of course, plus a small course specific test at the end. Considering that he had finished high school already, this wasn't really necessary, but Izuku wanted to take the whole exam and not cut corners. That could bring attention to himself as a special case.

Speaking of drawing attention, Izuku and Hitoshi managed to get Sushi approved to help him during the practical exam when they would be actually be building gear. Having a cat help him would not be weird at all to the other kids. Note the sarcasm. He was lucky that Sushi had taken a liking to Aizawa at the café so she was staying with him for now.

Yes the hero had grumbled about it, but Izuku didn't miss the small smile on his face and the gleam in his eyes when he took Sushi away. That man loved cats. Cats and coffee.

This meant that Izuku would not be standing out for the first part of the exam at least while he took the test. 'Thank Nezu' he mentally sighed in relief.

When he arrived, the classroom was empty. He was the first one here, great. Finding a desk In the back of the room next to the window, Izuku pulled out his phone and noticed some messages from 'RatOverlord' on his chess game.

At first, he was terrified that he had been found out, but ultimately, the principle was just informing him that he would love to play later that day after his work. Plus a few questions about Izuku's, or as Nezu knew his username as, Bunny's thoughts on their recent match. (Honestly how Nezu didn't connect 'Bunny' to 'Rabbit' yet was a mystery to him unless the rat knew and just hadn't brought it up.)

He happily replied before starting a random game with another player he had never played before.

In the end, Izuku won easily. Almost no one except Nezu were real challenges, but sometimes a pretty good player would entertain him for a while.

There was chatter around him and Izuku abruptly realized that the classroom was basically full now. He had been so absorbed in his game, and his own paranoid mind, that he hadn't noticed them. Kinda ironic. 

Izuku was putting away his phone when Yamada- no, President Mic, came inside with a box presumably holding their tests.

The hero made eye contact with Izuku and his smile somehow grew wider before he started to tell the class about the test rules, time limit, etc. Well, more like yelled it.

After receiving the go ahead, Izuku flipped open his test and began answering the questions at a light-breaking speed. It was easy, much too easy. At least, it was for Izuku.

So not even ten minutes later, and he was finished with the general test. The support test was much shorter and took him even less time to complete.

Fifteen minutes out of three hours. 'I am going to die of boredom'

He opened up his test and bubble sheet again to double check over his answers. Everything was still right. Glancing at the clock, he saw only another ten minutes had gone by.

'This is torture, I'd rather fight Stain right now then sit here- ughhh'

In the end, he simply sighed lightly before picking up his papers and heading up to Ya-President Mic. While the other students murmured in surprise, the hero just gave him a smile and took his papers.

Life must have pitied him for once as Mic passed Izuku a note that said he could leave the classroom and hang out in the Teachers Lounge until his next exam. He almost cried in relief as he gathered his bag and left.

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