meeting part 2

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I woke up and sit up rubbing my eyes. I hear someone snoring. I look around frantically looking for the source of the noise. I look beside me and see Murdoc sprawled out beside me with drool dripping out the side of his mouth. One of his legs were laid on top of my stomach. I was having a hard time breathing, so I push his leg off of my stomach. I shook him and said his name a couple of times to wake him up. It wasn't doing any good, he didn't want to wake up. I push him off the side of his bed. He woke up, arms flailing in all directions. He notices me sitting cross legged on the floor about a foot away with a smug look on my face. He looks at me and I knew that he was mad. He jumps a little bit and lands on top of me. He licks the side of my face leaving a long wet slobber mark. His dad walks in and tears Murdoc off of me saying "Your brother is here to get you. Unless you wanna stay longer." Murdoc laughs and asks me "Do you really want to go?" I stand up and say softly "I am gonna stay! I don't want to go back to that perverted home ever again! Tell 'im dat I am staying!" Murdoc grabs me and pulls me to the window. I look out the window and Murdoc opens it. Then Murdoc yells "Hey Joseph! Your sister wants to talk to ya!" He looks up and sees me and Murdoc. He yells "Why don't you wanna come home?" Tears running down my face I answer "Dad is perverted and old and I hate it! I can't stand it!" He sighs and said surprisingly calm "Okay you can stay. Do you need anything at all from da house?" I nod and say "Hold on!" I run downstairs shoving past Jake, Murdoc's dad, I run outside and hand a small slip of paper to him saying "This is a list of the things I need from my room. Most of it is under my bed or in the kitchen cabinet where dad put some of my stuff that he stole from me." He nods and said "I'll get it and bring them. Do you want me to get you some money?" I nod and it starts pouring down rain. I shiver then Joseph, my brother, takes off his jacket. He made me put on his jacket which smelled like sex and alcohol and dad. He picks me up and carries me inside and back to Murdoc's room. He lays me down on the bed and grabs Murdoc by the collar of his shirt. He pulls him up so that they were looking eye to eye and he said "You betta not 'urt my sista or I will pound your face in! I see you already won 'er trust. Don't break it and don't leave her until she is eighteen years old! I will be checking up on 'er weekly!" I look at them and I say "I need to pee!" They look at me and Murdoc says pointing to a door on the far wall "Right over there, luv." I run inside of it Murdoc says "Oh yeah right the door won't close." My brother sighs and drops Murdoc. I am trying to pull my shirt down to were it covers up my naked lower half as I tried to use the bathroom. Joseph stood in place of the door as I pulled up my shorts up. I tapped on his back to let him know I needed out of the bathroom. He went home and started gathering up the stuff that I needed. He was twenty but held back a lot in school so that he could 'protect me'. He had a blue corvette which he stuffed full of my stuff so that our dad wouldn't find it.

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