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Murdoc hugs me and starts crying hard. I whip his eyes for him and say "Stop crying Mudzy. Its not good for you to cry." He nods and puts on a stern face but I could tell it was fake. "Your right, luv. I need to be the sexy man I am and stay strong." I smile and say "I am going to get dressed now, okay? Mudz the best way for you to get rid of puffy eyes after crying is soaking your face in hot water." I eat the last bit of my sandwich and pull on the mini skirt that Joseph brought me. The mini skirt showed my panties when I bend over. Then I pull on the shirt which was way to small and I couldn't take off when I wanted to so Joseph used his pocket knife to cut me out of it. I look around and then asked "Where am I going to get a shirt now?" Murdoc left the bathroom and yelled "Russel! Can I borrow one of your shirts?" The man's strong voice answered "What for ya cracka ass?" "Its for Skylar, Russ. Come on spare one shirt at least." Murdoc said. Russel came into the bathroom and saw me in my mini skirt and bra. He tossed the shirt at me and it landed in the floor in front of me. I bend down to get it and Joseph saw my pink and black polka dotted panties. When Joseph saw panties he said "Woah!" and tried to block his view with his hands. I giggle and pull on the shirt which was just a little bit too big and looked a little bit like a dress. I use the belt that Joseph brought to make it a little bit less baggy. "Wow!" Russel said a little bit perturbed that I was wearing his shirt. "You look better in that shirt than I do." Russel continued. I smile and he looks into my eyes then asked "Why are your eyes crimson?" I stop and my face goes blank then I answer "Because I am awesome like that." Paula scoffs and muttered under her breath "Yeah right." I look at her and say "You made me puke! Your not the awesome one here you bitch!" She gets up and looked into my eyes. She stepped back and asked "Why are your eyes" I smile evilly and she slaps me across the face. My nose starts bleeding like crazy and I don't care at the moment. I grab Paula by the collar of her shirt and yell in her face "You think your everything bitch! Well I bet you can't pull off this mini skirt!" She looks at my skirt and said "I can to pull it off!" I look at her and say "prove it!" She smiles and grabs my hand. She pulls me to her room and handed me a pair of short shorts saying "Put these on and give me that skirt. I mean if your not afraid that I'll actually pull it off." I new she was trying to trick me. "No here I'll take it off." I pull the skirt off and throw it at her. She pulls it on and I keel over laughing. She looked terrible in the skirt. "What!" she asked. "Come on let's go see what the boys think." She smiles and said "Okay." She was having fun. I smile and we walk slowly into the living room where the boys,Joseph and Murdoc and 2d and Russel, were sitting. They see me and Murdoc whistles then they see Paula and they gag. I laugh and fall on my butt hard. "What! Stuart! Do I look good Stuart?" Stuart shook his head saying "Sowwy, luv. Not dis time." Tears well up in her eyes and she drops the skirt around her ankles and kicks it at me. She then runs to her room and locks herself in crying.

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