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I nod. Why in the world would he think that I would do that to Stuart? I'm not a bad person. Do I look like a bad person? Is it because of my stain and the way I'm dressed? "If you don't mind me asking...Why did you tell me not to touch Stuart in any weird ways?" I ask sweetly. "Stuart why don't you go play outside?" He asked Stuart. Stuart nods and ran out the door. "Your stain on your chin, your age and your way to sweet for a girl that dresses like you are." I raise an eyebrow and say "My boyfriend picked out my outfit. I usually wear something like skinny jeans and a t-shirt and I'm sorry if having respect for an older generation than me is wrong. I was raised in a disrespectful family. I vow to take care of Stuart when I watch him. Do you work into the night?" He stopped to let all that I said process. "There is nothing wrong with having respect for an older generation. No we will be able to get him by at least six o'clock at night." I nod and there is a loud knock at the door. I look at James and say "I'll get it, sir." he nods and sits down. I answer the door and it is Murdoc and Joseph. I smile and say "Hi guys! What are doing here?" Murdoc grunts and said "We came to see what was taking so long for you to take that little one home." I smile and say "I brought him and his mother asked me if I would like to be his babysitter and I agreed so now I am answering any questions that they may have for me. Would you guys like to meet the boys parents? The boys name is Stuart Pot and his parents names are James and Clarisse TussPot. You two have to behave yourselves so that I get this job!" They nod and follow me into the room with James and now Clarisse sitting there with a folder in her lap. "James, Clarisse this is Joseph and Murdoc. Joseph is my big brother. Murdoc is my boyfriend and yes he is the one who gave me the stain on my chin. I am not a ...excuse my language... cheating skank." He smiles and said "Well that's a good thing Skylar. And nice to meet you Murdoc and Joseph." He got up to shake their hands but quickly refused not to shake Murdoc's hand because he was as green as a pickle and he thought that he may be sick. He shook Joseph's hand just fine though. "Why are is your skin green, Murdoc?" He asked. Murdoc scoffs and said "I was just born this way I guess. I would rather you not talk about it though." James laughed and say "Alright I won't talk about your skin anymore." Murdoc looked at him and then out the window. "Is that your son running around in the yard?" Murdoc asked James. "Yeah. That's Stuart although we call him Stu." James answered. "Why does he have blue hair?" Joseph asks James as nice as he can. James sighs and says "My dumb ass wife won't stop giving him painkillers that she swipes from work and he fell out of a tree and hit his head. All of his hair fell out and I mean ALL of it! You boys know what I mean. He developed early and I'm proud of him. Well anyway his hair grew back but it grew back blue." He kept talking and I look out of the window to see Stuart playing with a hammer and a saw. I get up and run outside. Stuart wasn't playing safe so I run up and stop him. He laughed when I told him that he could get hurt. After putting the tools away I pick him up and take him inside. He yawned loudly.

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