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I sat up quickly and felt like screaming. I look around my room and I see Paula rummaging through my dresser. I pull an f-150 out from underneath my pillows and point it at her while yelling "Murdoc! 2d! Russel! Help!" Russel comes in not expecting to see Paula. My bedroom window was shattered, letting the cold air into the room. I shiver and Murdoc grumpily stomps into the room. He looks at me then at the gun then at Paula. "What in the hell! Paula, what are you doing here?" Murdoc asks confused. "I needed my lipstick." She said holding up my purse of lipstick. "Hey, those are mine! I have the receipt from all of them!" I yell afraid that I'll lose all of my lipstick. 2d walks in with fear in his eyes and said "Paula...those are Skylar's...not yours." Paula smacked him and said "Well I'm taking it!" "No your not!" I said angrily. I stand up and Paula falls on her butt laughing. "What?!" I ask. "What happened to your hair?" She asked. "I...erm...I-I...I just woke up!" I scream a tear rolls down my cheek. "Oh...well don't be a pussy about it!" She remarked. "Shut the fuck up!" I yell at her. Noodle pokes her head into the room and I look at her wide eyed. "Skylar is Noodle's mother!" Paula said. "What!" They all said at once. "No just because I look similar to her doesn't mean that she is my daughter!" I said. Noodle tilted her head and I pick her up saying "Come on Princess. When you lay back down do not uncover your matter what you hear...okay." "Okay." She said. I take her to her room and she did what I wanted her to do. I walk back to my room and I hear a gunshot. Oh my god! I poke my head in and I see Paula lying on the floor lifeless. I also see 2d holding the gun. Oh wow...I partially help raise that. I thought to myself. I walk into the room and Russel picks Paula up he throws her out the window and a swarm of zombies that surround Kong munch into it. A worthy death for Paula...I guess. The zombies look at the broken window and make a moaning-ish noise. "We need to fix that window." 2d said quickly. "Until we get it fixed she can sleep in my Winnebago and I'll sleep in my room." Murdoc said. "Or, Mudz, she can sleep in your room and you can sleep in you Winnebago." Russel said worriedly. "Or we both could sleep in my Winnebago. I mean since we've been together since we were seventeen." Murdoc said. Russel scratched his bald head and said "Alright." They look at me and I said "I'm just gonna leave. Russel keep Noodle safe. Murdoc stay sexy. 2d stay adorable. And tell Noodle I died and Paula ran away. I don't want her to worry about me. She's probably gonna forget about me later on in her life though." Murdoc hugs me and said "No don't go!" Russel hugs me and packs some of my clothes up and hands it to me. 2d hugs me and I start crying. "I've known you Stuart since you were seven years old and you never changed." I whisper in his ear. He kisses me on my cheek and let me go. Murdoc runs up to me, picks me up and throws me on the bed. "One last time!" He said. I look at Russel and 2d and ask "Would you two please leave the room? I'll see you on my way out the door." They leave and Murdoc pushes my skirt up and tore my panties off. He stepped back and dropped his jeans around his ankles. I gasp and say "No, Murdoc this is a bad idea." "Just one thrust and..." He said while thrusting "done."

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