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I gasp and I say "The rain feels good." I take off Murdoc's coat and hand it to him. He pulls it on shivering. I smile and look at the sky. Then Russel pulls me inside. "We all will split up. 2d and I will get groceries while you three will get Skylar some clothes." Russel says. Then Russel and 2d leave. Murdoc looks around and then at Noodle. "So...um...what store do we go to?" Murdoc asks. I walk towards a store with dresses, skirts, and tank tops. Murdoc looks around then sees me peering through the store window. "Skylar!" He says. I look at him then wave him towards me. Noodle and Murdoc walk over to me and Noodle says "See. She's a girl she knows what she likes. Which happens to be skirts and tank tops." I smile and they follow me into the store. Within minutes I find everything I want and we buy it. Then we look for Russel and Stuart. We find them in a women's hair accessory store with three full bags of hair bows, barrettes, clips, wigs, and headbands. "Where's the groceries?" Murdoc asks. "In the car." Stuart says. "Can we go now?" I ask as a swarm of people surround us. My eyes widen and I hide behind Russel. "They're just fans, Sky." Russel says. I walk to Murdoc and gasp. "He's mine!" I yell at the girls trying to kiss him. "No he's not!" A snooty lady in a sweater and jean shorts said. I punch her in her face and she falls to the ground. "He is mine! He's my fiancée!" I yell to the women. A swarm of boys surround me and I overheat. To them I fainted but I really overheated.

Warning! Warning! Warning!
Overheating! Emergency shutdown! Cool down in progress.
I wake up and I'm on the floor. A man pulls himself off of me after performing CPR on me. I punch the man and said "I was fine without you putting your filthy mouth on mine!" He looks at me and said "But...you fainted and you weren't breathing." 'I don't breath! I'm a cyborg!' I think to myself. "Just keep your disgusting mouth off of mine!" I say. I climb up onto Russel's shoulders. "Now, can we leave?" I ask. "Yeah, we can leave." Russel says. We get in the car and I sit in Murdoc's lap again. Something pokes me in my back and I gasp. "Sorry, luv. I guess I'm just aroused." Murdoc says kissing the back of my neck. "When we get home...I wanna go straight to my room and play." I say seductively. I turn around and we kiss. Kissing then turns to making out and Russel picks me up out of Murdoc's lap and puts me in the front seat. I smile and say "This is awesome!" Then we pull into the driveway and into the garage. I get out and Murdoc picks me up. I giggle and he carries me to my room. I tear off my clothes and Murdoc throws me onto my bed. He takes off all his clothes and then climbs on top of me. He kisses me on my neck and thrusts into me at the same time. "Oh! Murdoc! More!" I moan.

Three hours later

Murdoc and I groan and then he lays down beside me. "That was wonderful!" I say. "Yeah and we will be able to do that a lot more often when we get married." Murdoc says. I nod and say "That's good because I love doing it!" We kiss and I get up. I pull on the clothes I was wearing earlier and smile. "I'm going to the kitchen." I say. "Alright, luv." He said sitting up. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I bend over and look in the fridge. I pull out a beer and open it. "Done playing so soon?" Stuart asks me. I turn around and say "You jerk! You scared me!" He laughs and said "I bought these for you and Mudz." He holds out two small black boxes out to me and I tame them. I open the boxes and say "Wow!" They were two engagement rings. I pull on one and Murdoc walks in. I hand him the other ring and he puts it on. "Stu got these for us!" I say. Stuart smiles and says "Congratulations!" Tears slip out of my eyes and I sit down. I take a swig of my beer and then chug the rest. "I'm hungry!" I say. I look around.

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