my room

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Hannibal picks me up and sets me on his shoulders. He grabs hold of my legs so that I don't fall and walks upstairs. He is squeezing my legs too tight so I punch the top of his head. He winced and loosened his grip. We stop in front of a door that is right beside Murdoc's bedroom door. He opens the door and ducks as he steps in so that I don't hit my head and fall. He grabs me and sets me down on the soft carpet of what is gonna be my room. I look around and say "That is an ugly color of paint on the walls. Can I get some paint to paint it?" Hannibal's eyes widened and he asked "What color were you thinking of painting it?" I look at him and say "Black. Unless you want me to paint it black." He shakes his head and said "No pink please." I sigh and say "Then black it is. Can you take me to the store?" He shakes his head and said "No I can't. My car is broken." I sigh and say "I'll see if my brother can take me." Hannibal raises an eyebrow and asks "Your brother?" I nod and say "Yeah my brother. You know Joseph Champion." He looks at me and says in fear "Joseph Champion is your brother!" I nod and walk around the room. I walk towards the bathroom and open the door. I gasp in pleasure at the size of the bathroom. It had a big sink and the tub and shower are in two different places. The shower had stained glass doors and was white. The tub was white. The sink was white and green. "I LOVE THIS BATHROOM!" Hannibal laughs and said "Yeah that's why I asked dad if you could 'ave this room. I figured you would like it and did you see how big the bed was?" I look at him and said "No I didn't even notice the bed!" I run out of the bathroom and gasp at the size of the bed. I jump onto the bed and lay there for a while. I was about to fall asleep when Hannibal crawled into the bed beside me. I sat straight up and stared at him. "What are you doing? We have to eat!" He got up and ran out of the room. I follow along behind slowly so that I don't fall again. I sigh remembering what all has occurred today.
They have seen my with out a shirt or bra.
They've seen my in my bra.
I've nearly lost my virginity.
I've been kissed by two different guys.
I've met all of the Niccals family.
I live with the Niccals family.
I sigh as I walk into the kitchen. I look at Murdoc who was holding a plate of food out to me. I grab it and eat it happily. After I am done Murdoc takes my plate and put it in the sink. I smile and stand up. Murdoc watches as I slowly walk out of the room. There was a knock at the door and Murdoc hears me answer it saying sweetly "Hello. May I help you?" Then he hears a man's voice say "I'm looking for Sebastian Jacob Niccals. Is he here?" Then Jake runs of the room saying "Yeah I'm here. What do you want Jeffrey?" The man looked at me and said "I want her." Jake smiled and said "No she's Murdoc's girl. You can't take her if she doesn't belong to me." The man named Jeffrey laughed and said "So little old Mudz got 'imself a girl. How sweet. She's a pretty little thing isn't she Jacob?" He nods and said "Yeah she's living 'ere now so I've got to respect 'er." Jeffrey smiles and said "She looks like she's been 'urt a couple times." Jake nods and said "Yeah she fell a couple of times." Jeffrey smiles very wickedly.

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