the dream

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I wake up crying and in a cold sweat. I see the dolls and I hug them tight. I knew they were from Murdoc. I look at my alarm clock and it says that it is midnight. I whip my eyes and sniffle. I quietly open my bedroom door and tiptoe down the stairs. I open the basement door and carefully walk down the steps and into the basement. I see Hannibal laying in his bed awake and starring at the ceiling. I walk up and climb in the bed next to him. He puts an arm around me and I cuddle into the corner of his arm with my head on his chest. He looks at me and asks quietly "What's wrong sweet heart?" I sniffle and say "I had a nightmare again." (again because every time she has a nightmare he is there to comfort her) He hugged me and asked "Was it a sad one or a scary one?" I look at him and say "Sad." He nodded and said "Yeah those ones are always bad. What was it about?" I explain exactly what had happened in my dream and he said " think you had a premonition of the future in eighteen years." I frown and ask "Whats a premonition?" he says "A premonition is an image of what is probably to come later on in your life." I look at him and say stupidly "Oh ok that makes sense." he rolls his eyes laughing and I ask "What's so funny Han?" He laughs more and says "You! Your funny!" I blush and he rubs my cheek slowly and gently. I yawn and I felt my eyelids getting heavy. My eyes close and I fall asleep cuddled up next to Hannibal. He yawned and wrapped his arms around me as he fell asleep. I hadn't realized earlier that he was in his underwear which bulged slightly more than Murdoc's.

------8 hours later------

I wake up and my eyes widen I was completely naked and so was Hannibal. Hannibal's cock was right in my face. I look around for a way to get away from it. I see a a
space that I could squeeze through to get away, but I don't want to go that way. I would have to go right in between his legs and risk touching his cock. I decide to take the chance and risk touching his cock. I take a deep breath and slide out, but before I do I accidentally rub my face on his cock causing me to get a large semon stain down the front of my face. I quickly say "Eww!" I kick him in his head and pull on my clothes. He wakes up rubbing his head where I had kicked him and asked "What? When did you get here? Why are you getting dressed in here?" I roll my eyes and say "I came in here last night because I had a nightmare and I accidentally fell asleep. I woke up naked and with your naked ass on top of me." He gave me a blank look and said "I was drunk. Do you think" I shrug my shoulders and say "I don't know. I'll check." I turn my back to him and look at my body underneath my clothes. I gasp at what I find. I find a lot of hickies all over the area around my vagina and my vagina is red and looks like someone was forced up it. I turn around to face Hannibal and say "Yeah we had sex alright. Look for yourself!" I pull my pants down revealing the hickies and swollen vagina. He stares wide eyed at my vagina and fresh hickies with tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry!" he said sadly. I look at him and cross my arms. I pull them up and say "Your telling Murdoc not me." He nods looking very sad.

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