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Sorry everyone. I had to end that... Here's what she does now that she is away from them:

I sat up and rubbed my eye "2d?" I ask into the darkness. No answer. Tears well up in my eyes and I start crying. "I'm going back!" I tell myself. I am living with my big brother, Joseph, and I am not very happy. I left the Gorillaz on my own accord and it was a bad idea! Joseph comes in and asks "Who are you talking to?" I get out of bed and start packing my stuff. "I'm going back to Murdoc and 2d and your not gonna stop me!" I say. "Okay, be safe sister." I smile and hug him saying "I will, brother." He smiles and hands me a pop tart. I eat it as I walk to the door. I leave and walk all the way to Kong. Its 2011, the Gorillaz left Kong and are on plastic beach. I sigh and walk to the boating dock. I use what little money I had for a submarine and previsions. I set out looking for plastic beach and within two days of searching I found it. I park my submarine at a small dock and climb out. A girl kind of like Noodle greets me by cocking and holding a shotgun to my right temple. I smile and say "Can I talk to Murdoc, please?" She lowers the gun and asks in a robotic-ish voice "What's your name?" I look at her and say "Skylar Champion." She grabs me by the back collar of my shirt and pulls me into the glorious mansion that sat upon the plastic shores of plastic beach. Murdoc yelled "Cyborg can you get me some rum?!" The girl grabbed the rum while taking me towards him. She throws me at his feet and hands him the bottle of rum. "Who's this?" He asks bending over so that he was closer to me. I sit up and he gasps "What are you doing here? Noodle doesn't remember you and she looks a whole lot like you now." He points to cyborg and said "This is Cyborg Noodle. I created her when Noodle left for three years." I smile and say "So its like having another daughter." He nods and kisses me on the cheek. "What do you mean 'daughter'?" Cyborg asks. "Not gonna tell you, luv." Murdoc said. I smile and stand up. "Where is Noodle?" I ask. Cyborg Noodle sighs and said "In her room probably." I smile and follow Cyborg to Noodle's room. I here 'dare' playing loudly and knock on the door. She answers the door and I hug her. "Woah, um." She said when I hugged her. Tears rolling down my cheeks. "Whats your name?" She asks. "Skylar Champion." I answer. "While I was gone I was looking for my parents and I was told by Kyuzo himself that your my mother." I smile and she hugged me. I smile and say "I regret ever leaving, but I thought it was for the best." She smiles and said "Its okay." I start crying and she did too. We were sitting in the hallway crying when 2d walks up and asks "What's wrong, luv?" I look up at him and so does Noodle. He sees the resemblance and faints. We rush to his side and wake him up. He stares wide eyed at me and Noodle. I hug him. Noodle does too. We both kiss him on the cheek all at once and he blushes. I smile and say "Hi, 2d! I missed you." He smiled and said "I missed you too." Noodle hugs him and said "She's my mother." 2d faints again and I slap him across the face. He sits up and I stand up. I yawn loudly and stretch. A bone in my back popped loudly and I smile. I leave and Noodle texts and calls me all the time. I visit on holidays.

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