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Murdoc walks into the basement and saw Hannibal laying on his bed tears streaming down his cheeks and a hand cupped over his cock. He got mad and yelled "What did you do to Skylar?!" He was furious with Hannibal for doing what he did to me. He grabbed Hannibal by his hair and Hannibal let him punish him because he felt bad. He felt bad because he was three years older than me and I was Murdoc's girl. He also felt bad because I only came to him last night because I had a nightmare. He was acting like a pedophile. I looked at him with love in my eyes and I have a quick memory flash of what he had exactly done to me and how I felt about it. I bite my lip and say "Mmm! You were just perfect last night though just work on how hard you thrust yourself in because your a bite soft." Murdoc's and Hannibal's eyes widen as I say this. Murdoc bites his lip and said "Well, does that mean I'm better at sex than him?" I nod slowly and say " 'ell yeah luv!" I climb the stairs out of the basement and walk to the kitchen and as I do I pass by Jake. As I pass Jake I say "Go stop your sons from killing each other please." He runs down into the basement and yells "Stop! Why are you two fighting?!" Murdoc explains carefully and his dad says "Wait! Hannibal you...Oh My Skylar ok?" Murdoc shrugs and said "I have a feeling she won't want to have sex for a while, so the answer is no." Jake slaps Hannibal across the face and said "Boy! Why did you do that to her?!" Hannibal smiles wickedly and says "I got drunk last night like I usually do." Hannibal grabbed what he thought was a pair of underwear only to find it was a pair of my panties. He threw them at the wall and grabbed a pair of his underwear and pulled them on. He then proceeded to put on a pair of pants and a t-shirt. I came in holding a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and looking devilish. Murdoc cleared his throat and I turned my head and stared my red eyes deep into his mismatched eyes. He couldn't tear his eyes away no matter how hard he tried. He quickly asked what he wanted to in the first place " Are you okay, luv?" I turned my gaze towards the wall and say "Yeah I'm fine. Mudzy do we have any chocolate?" Murdoc stared at me some more then said "Um...I have some chocolate in my room. Its under my bed." I lick my lips slowly and sadistically. He looks at the floor and said "You can have it all if you want." He looked at the stairs where I stood and saw that I had already left. He sighed and backhanded Hannibal in his face. Hannibal fell to the ground. "What do I have to do to get you to leave her alone!?" Murdoc yelled with glistening tears in his eyes. He was sad and mad and he wanted to hurt his brother really bad, but decided not to.

-----10 minutes later-----

I come in with chocolate all over my face and my pupils dilating like crazy. Murdoc thought I was stoned so he went to my bedroom and looked around a little bit. He found a pipe and a lot of pot. I was stoned and eating chocolate. He came back to the basement to see me looking unhappy about being held down on the bed to refrain me from hurting anyone. I was angry and stoned which is a bad mix. Then I yawn and fall asleep. I was having a major sugar crash. Murdoc sighed and said "She's been smoking pot." He lickes the chocolate off of my face and kisses me. I smile.

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