the dream

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I slide under the dirty, semon stained covers and fall asleep. I wriggle and writhe in my sleep because I was having a terrible dream.

In my dream:
I sat up and yawned then I look around. No sign of Murdoc. The covers were clean and it looked like the bed had been made recently. I get out of bed and notice that I am wearing a wedding dress. I slide out of the dress and Murdoc walks in. He is wearing a tuxedo and his hair is clean and out of his eyes. My eyes widen. I can see his eyebrows! "Murdoc?" I asked shakily. "Yes, Mrs. Niccals, it is I, your sexy, demonic husband." He said walking towards me. I smile at him and he smiles back at me. 'This is odd. This better not be a premonition!' I thought as he picked me up. I giggle and he looks at me with so much love in his eyes. We kiss and he puts me down. I get dressed in a black miniskirt and grey t-shirt that said 'Murdoc is god' on it. He smiles and picks me back up. I am wearing a wedding veil tucked into my hair. He carries me downstairs and into the kitchen. He puts me down at the kitchen table and Russel walks in sleepily. He looks at me and sees the veil. His milky eyes widen and he said "Oh, yea I am supposed to cook you guys breakfast." I smile and hug him. 2d and Noodle walk in rubbing their eyes and yawning. I smile at Noodle and say happily "Good morning guys." They look at me and Noodle frowns. "Did yew two get married or somefink?" 2d asks eyeing the veil. Murdoc nods and said "Yes, we did. Noodle is my daughter now." Suddenly it hit me. I am dreaming. After Russel cooks Murdoc and I ate and went to the bedroom. I lay in the bed and fall asleep.
I woke up and looked around no sign of Murdoc. I reach into my hair. I don't feel anything. "Phew!" I said as Murdoc walked in. It dawned on me that he had been looking for me the whole time I was asleep. My dad followed him into the room. I smile at them and I run and hug my dad. He looked confused but he hugged me back. "Daddy." I whisper in his ear. He smiles and I let go of him. "What made you change your mind about me?" He asked. "Nothing." I answered. I turn around to see Murdoc on one knee. I gasp and he reaches into his pocket saying "Skylar, I've known you since we were seventeen years old. And I've loved you since then...will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my bride?" I bite my lip and my eyes widen. "Yes!" I yell louder than I expected. He stands up and slides the ten karat gold ring onto my finger. We kiss and my dad takes his mask back. He puts on his mask and jumps out the window. I wrap my arms around Murdoc's neck as we kiss. Noodle and 2d walk through the open doorway and gasp at the sight of me and Murdoc with smiles on our faces. Noodle sees my ring on my ring finger and gasped with joy. "Who are you engaged to?" Noodle asks joyfully. "Murdoc." I answer. 2d and Noodle frown and yell in unison "What? Why?" I frown and say "Because I love him! Noodle I thought you most of all would be happy for us!" "I am...its just...why Murdoc?" She asks. "Because we go together like flies to a pile of shit!" I say. Russel looks through the window and asked "Wassup?" I look at him and say "Murdoc proposed to me and I said yes." His eye widened and he said "Congrats, guys." I smile and run to the bathroom. I vomit and Murdoc asks "Are you okay, luv?" I nod and vomit again. "Yeah, Mudz. I'm fine. I'm just...I may be..." I vomit then continue "pregnant." He gasps and Russel said "We have a shipment of food and stuff comin'. I'll see if they can bring you some pregnancy tests and stuff." I smile and say "Thank you, Russ." I vomit again. I rinses out my mouth with some mouth wash and walk out of the bathroom. I see that Noodle and 2d are smiling. "What?" I ask. "Your stomach is awready bulging, luv." 2d says. My eyes widen and I gasp. I feel my stomach. "Just kidding, Luv." He says. I punch him hard and he falls to the ground. Noodle gasps and said "Stu! Are you okay?" Stuart nods and said "Jus' fine, Noods." I smile and walk up to Murdoc who was looking happy with himself. "You know what? We are gonna get drunk tonight!" I yell happily. "I'm 23 so...yeah I can drink." Noodle says. I smile. Murdoc stands up and throws his fists into the air while yelling "Yeah! That's my girl!" I smile and Murdoc hugs me close to him. We kiss and I grab my wallet. I walk towards the door then stop in my tracks. Crap! My sub is destroyed! I turn around and say "My submarine is destroyed." Russel smiled and said "I'll get you some booze." I smile and say "A lot of white wine please. I'll give you the money for it." He shakes his head and says "No this is a gift from me to you. Murdoc has his rum storage so you get a wine cellar. I'll buy you a truckload of wine." I smile and say "Thank you, Russ." He smiles and said "No problem." He leaves and I hug Murdoc. 2d looks at me and asks "How old are yew?" I raise an eyebrow and say "I am not gonna answer that." "Why?" He asks. "I'm fourty nine years old. Happy?!" I say. Tears form in my eyes and spill out. His eyes widen and he says "Sowry. I didn't mean to...offend yew. I was just curious. Isn't that how old Mudz is?" I frown and Murdoc hugs me. "You never ask a woman how old she is! See what you did?!" Murdoc yells. Stuart cowers behind Noodle and nods. "I said I'm sowry!" Stuart said. I smile at Murdoc and whisper in his ear "Someone is earning a good night tonight...make him leave so that we can be alone." He smiles and said "Yes ma'am!" He turns to Stuart and Noodle and says "Can we have alone an engaged couple?" He asks trying to be nice. Noodle's eyes widen and she asked "When is your wedding?" "In a month." Murdoc said. I put my hand down his pants and grope what will be mine in a month. "That's too long!" I pout. "Two weeks?" He asks me. I nod and said "That's just fine, luv." We kiss and I squeeze my hand. Noodle and Stuart leave. We kiss and fall onto the bed.
————Three hours later————
I wake up and I feel great. I sigh and look around. Murdoc is laying beside me asleep and naked. I bite my lip and kiss him on his forehead. I slide myself out of the bed and fall onto the hard wood floor with a thump. Murdoc sits up and sees me laying on the floor naked and rubbing my hurt butt. "Ouch!" I said. "Are you okay, luv?" He asks looking at me with concern in his eyes. I smile and say "I'm fine now. Where's the booze?" I get up and pull on one of Murdoc's t-shirts that say My lover is smoking hot. He smiles at me and says "I'll see if Noods has any pants you could borrow." I nod and say "Okay." He leaves and I sat on the bed and spread my legs. He comes back holding a skirt. His eyes widen and he smiles. He threw the skirt at me and said "Not now, luv." I frown and say "Okay." I pull the skirt on and walk out of the room. I walk to the kitchen, but I hear a noise in the living room. I walk into the living room and I see 2d and Noodle kissing. I sneak behind the couch and poke my head up slowly. They don't notice me until I ask "Whatcha doin'?" They scream and fall off of the couch. I laugh and stand straight up reaveling my full six foot height. Stuart's eyes widen at the sight of how tall I am. I blush and say "Sorry...Did I interrupted you?" Noodle shakes her head and says "No. We were about to go get some booze from Russ. He just got back." I smile and say "That's sounds like fun." They smile and stand up. I slouch my back and it reduces my height by a foot. Stuart and Noodle walk outside to where Russel likes to hangout. I run towards Russel and he picks me up by the back of my shirt. He puts me on top of a small concrete building that had a large neon sign that said Alcoholic paradise in flashy blue and red lights. I look up at him and he said "Its all for you. The signs are yours also." I smile and ask "Where did you get this?" "The city." He shrugs as though its obvious. I frown and ask "Can you put me on the ground?" He nods and does just as I asked. I open the door and the sweet smell of perfectly aged grape juice wafted up my nose. I shudder with delight. Then I smell the Cream Day Bananas and I ran towards the banana scent. I grab the bottle and open it. I take a long sip of it and smile. "Mmmm!" I said with my mouth full of liquid. Russel peeks inside and asked "What are ya drinking?" I smile and say happily "Cream Day Bananas!" I finish the bottle and put it on the shelf. I wasn't even buzzed so I grabbed some wine and drink it slowly. That's when I was drunk. I fell asleep with the wine bottle in my hand. The bottle was pouring out wine as I slept on the now hot floor. I woke up in Murdoc's bed and I smile.

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