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Louis POV

   The seconds felt like minutes while the minutes seemed to drag on for hours as we wait for the babies to make an appearance. Gigi and Elenor joined us at the house as soon as they got out of work. Dads sat in the corner with Liam and Niall, while Zayn, Gigi, Elenor, Pat and I play a round of cards as we all wait in the living room. Mom, Gemma, and finally Luke are upstairs with Harry and his midwife. I look up at the clock at in the hall and see that since we've been here its been six hours, he's been in labor for probably longer. Harrys cries are getting harder to tune out as we can hear them from downstairs even with all the doors closed.

   Suddenly a different cry was reverberating throughout the house, a cry we've all been waiting for. A newborns cry, a baby has been born. We all start cheering as we celebrate one life being added into the family while we wait for the next, and with in the half hour a second newborns cry was heard. Cheering and celebrating the lot of us quickly start to head up stairs to wait patiently outside the door to meet the new little ones. We give a small knock just to let them know were here and wait patiently until we can go in.

   Gemma and Mom come out to get all of us as Harry wanted. The two of them had proud smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes. Slowly we all enter the room and immediately become take aback at the cite. Harry sat in the middle of the Bed with two small bundles in his arms, one pink and one green, while look sat next to them with his arms wrapped around all three of them. Harry had hair stuck to his forehead from sweat, tears running down his face endlessly, and the biggest smile we've ever seen. Luke looked much the same as Harry did, a proud look in his eye as he watched Harry cuddle the twins.

   Harry was first to notice us and his smile if even possible got wider. "Look whose here babies! Its you Uncle Louis, Uncle Liam, Uncle Niall, Uncle Zayn, Uncle Patrick, Auntie Gemma, Auntie Gigi, Auntie Elenor, your Gramma, and your Gramps all here to say hi to you." Harry says tilting the babies allowing us to get a good look at them. The two are prefect, small, and so look much like Harry did as a baby its incredible. "Gramma, Gramps, Aunties, and Uncles meet your niece Evelyn Rose and nephew Mason Watt Styles-Irwin." Harry introduced as Look leaned over and grabbed the babies hands to make it look like they are waving at all of us. Luke called his brothers soon after congratulations were given to give his brothers the good news, the band immediately said they'd catch the next flight out to meet the babies. While flights were being made the babies were passed around, I ended up with both of them at the same time and looking down at these adorable little ones I knew in my heart...

That Evelyn and Mason will be the most loved babies in the entire world, just like our brother!

That Evelyn and Mason will be the most loved babies in the entire world, just like our brother!

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Hello World,

I hope hope you enjoyed this chapter! Im sad to say that this will be the last for this story, thank you all for reading. I've decided that this story had finally come to a close over the past month or so I just didn't want to finish it as it was too cute. I hope you all have enjoyed this story as much as I have and please let me know if you want me to do more like this one in the future.


Pic: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fcandetinsley%2Ftwins%2F&psig=AOvVaw05iz47CvnF33Ync6qW0nEi&ust=1678510170360000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjhxqFwoTCLCjherH0P0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABA8

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