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Promise POV

I sat there listening to them bicker back and forth about the depths and length of their relationship. She is yelling and crying. He should have definitely went somewhere more excluded. This is so stupid because she is forcing him to speak on it knowing it's going to hurt her feelings.

"Diamond we have had the talk a million times and my statement hasn't changed. You are the one who is feeling differently every time. I have always told you what is was." He spoke softly and she wiped her face.

"I know, I get it but all these years you have kept me around and you have took care of me, you act like I mean so much to you."

"You been around so long, yes I love you as a friend and I don't want shit to happen to you. I will always help you out or try my best to help." I watched him try to navigate through her words and he seemed so annoyed with repeating himself.

If we became official he ain't doing shit for her... well now she pregnant so who knows.

"Whatever, we can co parent and I don't want no problems. I just want everything to go well for my child." He nodded.

"Well we are on the same page." I nodded.

It was actually nice for her be mature after 2 hours, he keeps saying shit that is annoying me.

"I don't want her around my child."

"She is going to be my girlfriend so I don't get that." He pointed to me.

"I don't want her around my child, y'all shouted on me and think I want her around me. We have been through a lot and she has said things and I am not comfortable."

"Not comfortable, she is-"

"I don't want the bitch around my child."

"Bitch? Okay girl ain't nobody pressed about being around no fucking baby. I don't have kids for a reason." I snapped back. "Girl don't nobody give a fuck."

"I am not asking you to give a fuck about my baby, I don't care." She shrugged. "You see how she speaks about our child, she unpredictable and I can't have this around our child."

"She didn't say anything about our child, you don't want her around our child and she-"

"Girl you trying to get him upset is not going to work, your mouth is disgusting towards me and you expect to sit back and shut up and that has never worked and you just keep trying. I don't give about shit y'all got going on. At all."

"You don't give a fuck about our baby?" She asked.

"No. It's not my business. I would never mistreat someone's child and he know that. I love kids but that baby isn't going to fuck up my life." I shrugged and Chris looked at me and I can tell what I said bothered him but right now I don't give a fuck. "Calling some body a fucking bitch because you pulled a pull away trapping still didn't get this man."

"Pull away trapping? What even are you talking about in you ghetto language? You and you African American black people slangs."

"You are about to have a black baby with a non black women who makes it a life mission to shit on black girls. She doesn't understand, Christopher. She will never understand none of the shit your child is going to go through. God forbid you have a little black baby girl." I spoke calmly.

"Promise please, just stop it." He sighed.

"No, it's something that needs to be said. Look how she stuck her nose at me just be I'm a black girl. Because I walk and talk like a black girl. You wanna potentially raise a little black girl with her. Because even though you like to ignore it, you are black. She hates black people but she fucks black men."

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