Chapter 4

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"I'm telling you Felix,that girl is different from the others"Sebastian sighed,"Princess Diana".

Felix eyed him with contempt,remembering his encounter with her the previous night and he tsked. " Do you know what she asked me yesterday?"he finally spoke and his brother withdrew from his daze and looked at him with curious eyes.

"What did she say?"

"She asked who was the previous king before father"He could see Sebastian perk up and sit properly.

"What did you tell her?" His brother was practically glaring by now and he felt himself scoff once more. The way Sebastian's mood changed really amused him to the core.

"You are seriously not asking me that question"he replied and Sebastian grumbled.


"We need to be very careful around her,I personally don't like the questions she's been asking lately but what I really want to know is,when the time comes,will you be able to kill her?" He saw Sebastian smirk.

"Come on brother,you should know me better than that. Nothing surpasses the throne. Keep that in mind"was his reply and Felix smirked.


"Angelica is the daughter of Duke Earl?" She echoed in suprise because she clearly remembered that name. Duke Earl of Diadera was stationed in the wealthy city on the shores of Diadera called Accer. This city was one of the most outstanding centres of trade and specialised in the importation and exportation of goods so it was quite affluent.

"Yes your highness,she is here representing her father and Accer"Rose replied and Diana nodded.

"Does she have close relations with the crown prince or any of them?" Second cousin to the crown prince Angelica had said.

"Yes,besides being the second cousin to prince Sebastian,it is also widely known by the court that she lusts after him" Diana snorted and clicked her tongue in contempt.

"She thinks she's the queen of court? Well we need to let her know, there's an Empress in town"she stood up,full in her riding gear and she secured her sword on it's sheath. Her hair was tied into a ponytail. " And she doesn't take any prisoners"she exited and headed right for the stables.

Unbeknownst to her,Milady D'Angelica stood on her bedroom balcony watching her every move. She swirled the golden liquid in her cup as she bought it closely to her mouth.

A minute later she spat out the coffee,sending her into vigorous coughing sessions and she threw the cup against the wall and it smashed into tiny fragments.

"What is this? Are you trying to kill me? Do you know the implications of trying to assassinate a royal? A princess no less? Are you courting death?" All questions escaped at once as she held a trembling hand over the still bowing servant in front of her.

"Do forgive me your highness I was not aware—"

"Shut up! I should hand you over to the executioner right now!"she bellowed as she lifted her skirt and prepared to walk out but the girl grabbed her knees and she smirked.

"Please your highness I need this work I promise I will do anything you ask of me please"she begged as tears streamed out of her eyes making Angelica's smile widen more.


"Anything"she assured.

Diana frowned when she saw no one at the stables which was highly unusual for a stable especially one reserved for royalty. An even bigger frown was plastered on her face when she instead saw a servant girl coming her way.

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