Chapter 25

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Diana stood out the window,her face pale against the afternoon light. Lucas and Adrian were right behind her. As shook as she was upon stumbling upon new information. From her mini balcony she stared into the clear land beyond the bustling city and into the next, eventually at the sea which only seemed like a speck on the horizon.

"Lucas,what are you saying?" She said calmly though she could feel the slight tick of her hands. They trembled. From fear or excitement, she did not know. She suspected the latter but she wanted to hear it again.

"Sir Gawain,the king's great great grandfather was an ambitious man and an even skilful predator. Though he was born of noble blood,he yearned for something more"Lucas began once more,with all the seriousness he could master.

"The throne"Adrian said.

"Exactly,the throne"Lucas agreed. "So he figured that if he tarnished the good name of the royal family or create a feud the royal family certainly couldn't win,he would swoop in and save the day. The monarchy fell and he rose.

So he went forth across the seas and finally arrived on Infernal soil, marched right into the capital and stole the military seal and abducted the king's wife. Men are very proud folk and when the latter happened,their king would not let go. He opened up dozens of investigations across his lands to hunt for the culprit. Borderers of the land were so tightly patrolled that even a decorated knight like him couldn't slip out. So,a new planan formed. He released the queen by secret means and he surrendered himself to the Infernal Empire king with the seal in hand but no wife in sight.

He told the king that he was simply a humble servant sent by the monarchy of the Imperial Kingdom. He stated that the latter's king always had an eye for the gracious queen of the Infernal Empire. Thus he was told to abduct her and the military seal so he may gain access to their armies. The king fumed and threatened to kill him,Sir Gawain didn't mind.

He had only one request: for the king of the Infernal Empire not to tell the Imperial Kingdom's king about his failure.  Between this secret audience between the two,the king was bound by the promise and honour so he revealed nothing. Even when he executed Sir Gawain,he revealed nothing. He took the secret to the grave"Diana arched her eyebrows.

"If Sir Gawain died,how did his lineage continue?" She asked as she pivoted to face them.

Lucas gave her a toothy grin,"the queen was already with child when she escaped the Infernal Empire"he answered cheekily.

"Where did you get all this information?" Adrian fired his own.

"Dreadful I must say"Lucas rolled his eyes just thinking about it. " I injected Jessica with the truth serum and she became as loud as a cymbal. She even referred me to some scripts which she let me read".

"But didn't you say the king never talked?"

"Yes he never talked but I didn't say he never left evidence behind"he talked slowly as if taking to a dumb child. Diana simply chuckled and shook her head. Her eyes shone with determination. They had just found a new angle,a weak point in the seemingly indestructible armour and she would cash in.

Even when the crown prince writhed against the treacherous blade,Angelica only set her jaw tight and held onto her dagger which she continued digging it down his spine.

As it seemed that he was fighting back,Angelica suddenly got an inspiration,she removed the dagger and instead gripped his head by his hair and dove it under the hot steaming waters,that's when the true bullfight started that Angelica started to even regret her actions but got her reward for not giving up because she suddenly felt his head go limp and sink underneath the water.

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