Chapter 17

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"Adrian...I don't know what to say" Diana said as she leaned down to the portrait to take a closer look at the fine piece of art before her. It was well detailed and colourful yet it didn't eclipse the serenity in the picture nor the sure beauty of the woman within.

"You don't like it?" Adrian asked,brows furrowed.

Diana quickly turned and resisted a smirk at his crestfallen face. " Heavens no!" She quickly exclaimed before turning back to the painting. " I can't say anything because there aren't words to match its beauty, your skills are truly not of this world"she said meaning each and every word.

"So do you like it?" He leaned in closer to her and she smiled before taking the portrait off the stand and and walked into the house,a surprised Adrian on her heels.

"You said you treasure this house more than the palace right?" She asked him as she suddenly stopped in front of the bed chambers.

"Yes,I cherish it more"Adrian replied with uncertainty evident in his voice as he frowned wondering where was this conversation going.

"And I love this portrait so here's what we're going to do"she opened the doors and immediately climbed atop the simple mattress and immediately set to work on placing the portrait on top of the mattress so that any who may enter the chamber would notice the portrait as the first item in the entire room.

"And... done"she breathed as she balanced her feet on the stool she placed beside the mattress. She leaned back one more time to gaze at the lovely portrait ( maybe a little bit too far) but then with perceived horror on her face,she felt the soles of her heels slip across the wooden surface of the stool which in turn bended and she let out a shriek as her body was pulled back by gravity. Though the tumble wouldn't be more than just a few inches, Diana knew it would be quite a nasty blow to her body.

Strong,steady hands made contact with her back which spread to the rest of her lower back in order to steady her. Adrian's eyes along with his well chiselled demigod features came into view.

Diana had to blame it on her hormones that he looked so good in that light. From his his enchanting blue eyes to his silky jet-black hair,she imagined how soft they could be through her slender fingers as she caressed them. She bit her lower lip at the thought when she caught Adrian's eyes shift to her lips before coming to meet her eyes once more and as if silently or telepathically communicated,they leaned forward and brought forth their lips together in a heated passionate kiss as their tongues rolled and fitted in perfect harmony. Who knew an innocent kiss would lead to something far more desirable as they stopped, short of breath and broke the kiss only to resurrect it moments later on the soft comfort of the mattress under soft fur blankets.

When Diana woke up,the sun was still in the sky but in a matter of a few hours,the sun would set,she glanced over her side and smiled when she saw that Adrian was still sleeping. She felt an impulse to touch him once more so she placed a chaste kiss on his forehead before she climbed out of the mattress. She walked to the closet and was utterly surprised to find a long elegant silk dress with a matching robe. She smiled before putting it on and exiting the chamber.

She stalked to the small kitchen in preparation for supper. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she gracefully manuoevered around the kitchen. Picking ingredients and putting them together to make a delicious meal.

Thoughts of the palace and stuffy nobles had been pushed to the back of her mind and the only driving force at the helm was Adrian. She couldn't stop thinking of their little rendezvous or what it could possibly mean for them. They were getting married after all but what did this truly mean?

She only warmed up to Adrian and gave him the benefit of the doubt because he was Consort Song's son. Fine,that was it but in a way,she was still weary of him and the intentions behind his marriage proposal. Though after what happened earlier today definitely threw a spanner in the works:

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