Chapter 12

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In the times that prince Adrian slipped in and out of consiousness,one thing was clear in his mind. There was someone cuddling him, he slightly turned his head to see black shiny hair with an angelic face sleeping soundly beside him. He could feel her arms wrapped around his waist as she slept. They were much closer than they'd ever been and though Adrian smiled, he didn't enjoy the sight much because his consiousness was ripped from him in that very moment.

And the next,his eyes were met with harsh blinding sunlight which assaulted his eyes and he lifted his arm in a bid to shield them when he heard Diana's smooth voice. " You're awake, finally"he could see the relief wash over her. She appeared in a silk royal blue dress with long sleeves and a silver trim. Her alabaster skin paled wonderfully accompanied by her made up hair with a jade pin to finish the look.

"How long had I been unconscious?" He asked,brows furrowed.

"Just a day"Diana replied nonchalantly as if it was no big deal yet she knew that with every hour he didn't rouse,her worries skyrocketed. This time,guilt was no longer in the picture. Just pure simple worry.

"A day?" Adrian blinked repeatedly,a habit of his when he was confused. " You're telling me I've been asleep for a day?" He exclaimed in disbelief as his eyes sported.

"Yes" Diana confirmed. " Be happy to know you're awake and your fever broken because I know I am"his heart warmed when she said that. She stood up," I will alert the royal family that you're awake and I won't be here for the rest of the day, there's an old lady I need to visit"she informed him and he replied with a stiff nod.

Diana felt someone grip her and push her  behind a pillar immediately she entered the huge marble hallways of the palace.

"You're committing a big mistake" Felix,she eyed him in contempt.

"Oh it's you again"she stated flatly,her expression one of pure disinterest. " What do you want?"now she was glaring.

"Oh you know very well what I want. You to stay away from my brother and my family"his voice had a threatening edge to it.

Diana chuckled,amused. " But how can I? When I'm to be married to Adrian? So you see,I am basically am a part of the family. You think you must know though, I'm indispensible"Felix gripped her tightly by the wrist attempting to lock it. She was still smiling without a tinge of fear showing.

"So tell me,do you manhandle every foreign female in this palace?" Felix chuckled darkly.

"No just the ones I am most likely to kill"her response was not what he expected.

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow at him before releasing her grip easily and smiling. " Well now isn't that interesting but look here"she leaned closer to his face before delivering a shocking slap. " You kill me,you die"she laughed when she saw him knit his eyebrows in confusion. "You think I'm working alone? Of course not don't be stupid"she said with a laugh. " Seek help from your brother,you definitely need one"she tapped his cheek rather roughly before waltzing out of the pillar and out of sight leaving a burning fury in Felix's core.

His lips lifted up in a cold smile. " You're right,I do need help"


"Diana?" Aia beamed as she opened the door to Diana who immediately walked inside.

"I'm sorry I was unable to visit. Adrian has been sick"all colour drained from Aia's face as she weakly sat down with a moan.

"Is he alright?" She asked who worriedly but Diana understood that Aia had her own spies at court. Guarding his son,only to which magnitude she did not know.

"Yes he is quite all right"she just wanted to let her know about his well being but Aia instead took her upstairs to a certain chamber filled with weapons of different kinds. Varying from swords,maces, spears to arrows and even jewellery.

"It's..." Diana was at lost for words when she touched an arrow with a golden head. The arrow had an insignia of Cheng in the middle. In fact all of them did.

Aia unravelled a box from beneath a cabinet and presented it to her. " A woman at court should never be unprotected"she said as she tried to work the lock around it.

"But Aia,I do have a sword"she tried to protest but Aia was having none of it.

"When you attend royal gatherings,will your sword also be there?" She raised her eyebrows jokingly at her. Good point there,Diana mused only to gasp a while later at the beautiful red pin in front of her. This was made of pure red stone and carved elaborately. When Aia pressed its main body,a short blade presented itself. It was short but sharp enough to fatally wound if used correctly.

Diana's eyes watered as she clasped the trinket close to her chest.  " Put it on!" Aia  beamed encouragingly at her. Tentatively,she removed her jade pin and replaced it with the red one,she made a mental note to always wear it with other pins for extra safety precautions.

"Thank you"she whispered as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"You're welcome sweet child just promise me one thing"she wagged a finger playfully in her direction.


"Don't forget your revenge dear. Fulfil it to the fullest and give Imperial City the monarchy it deserves. This may be biased information because I do want to see them fall"she said and Diana chuckled as she took her hands in hers.

"The feeling is mutual. It is indeed true that the enemy of your enemy is your friend"with those words,she was on her way. She wanted to see Adrian immediately especially since she was surrounded by vultures in that palace. She needed to be by his side.


"Father you called?" Prince Arthur,second prince of Diadera and husband to Gabriella,asked his father as he closed the huge doors to their guest chambers. They were still in the Imperial palace so they had to be guarded at all times.

King Roland nodded sternly and motioned for him to sit down which Arthur immediately did. " You do know what Gabriella leaving means do you not?" Straight to business,he asked with a glint of malice in his eyes.

"Oh yes. This is the opening we needed to go to war with the Imperial Empire"thank goodness for her whoring nature,bringing her along was a good idea he mused happily as he could already see the crown on his head. The king had not chosen an heir yet. In Diadera,heirs were named by the king and not dictated by some ancient law like in the Imperial Kingdom.

"Yes"the king smiled darkly as he stared at his son. Arthur has always proved to have the traits of a king unlike his older brother. First born son and prince of Diadera. Alexander. Where Arthur wanted to stay and learn machinations of court,Alexander was riding off to war. He chose the life of a solder rather than a prince and was often away. Roland didn't need that.

"I tell you son,should we be able to pull this off,I will name you heir by the time we get back"Arthur smiled secretly in triumph yet pretended not to hear that part and further indulged his father in the plans.

A lone figure smiled darkly as he listened to their conversation. His cold blue eyes glinted with mischief as he listened to each and every word uttered in the room. If I remember,father said if he does pull it off he will be king unless... He sighed in content and walked away. They would rue the day the decided to cross him and deny him what was rightfully his.

Authoress: incredibly short chapter I apologize,but writer's block🤒

Anyways. . .

#Team Sebastian?


#Team Adrian?

Honest question: who do you think Seokjin is?

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