II Chapter 2 Before revenge there was anger and before was emptiness

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WARNING! This chapter talks about self-harm and portrays it in quite a gruesome manner if you are sensitive to such things you should proceed no further. If you are not bothered by such things please enjoy.

Everything went dark for Y/n and shot up in a blaze of fire.



Y/n looked around frantically.

Y/n: TSS ah that hurts..

The door bust open revealing Oichi.

Oichi: Are you okay? I heard shouting.

Y/n: I'm fine. Just.. a bad dream.

Y/n opened his palm and stared at it deep in thought

Y/n: ^I forgot who I was... I am Y/n Saigai.. An avenger.^

Y/n's pupils began to bleed red. Oichi noticed this and the blood sucked right back into his eye. Like there was nothing there.

Oichi: ^I have to be patient. I can't seal him until I'm sure he can control him.^

Y/n got up out of bed but as his feet touched the ground he collapsed.

Oichi: You sure you've got what it takes to continue on? If you don't you can rest but just know that Kyou Kai and basically everyone in the village would find your training boorishly easy.

Y/n Slowly got up breathing heavily.

Y/n: Is Kyou Kai up?

Oichi: Yes, she is.

Y/n: Tell her to meet me at the dojo.

Oichi: It's okay to admit when your...

Oichi looked into Y/n's eyes and broke into a cold sweat.

Oichi: ^Does this boy want to kill me? This bloodlust is intoxicating.. No, it's not directed at me.. Someone else. It seems Xin was right it won't take a mere day to break him.^

Y/n walked to the dojo with Oichi following suit.


Y/n and Kyou Kai were currently sparring... But it looked like Kyou Kai was beating Y/n senselessly.

Y/n: ARGHH!!

Kyou kai had thrusted her wooden sword into Y/n's stomach and fell to his knees.

Y/n: HAH..HAH... Again.

Y/n stood up using his wooden stick and got into a battle pose.

Kyou Kai: Master isn't this enou-

Y/n: AGAIN!!

Y/n dashed toward Kyou Kai going for a three-hit combo consisting of two horizontal slashes and a big downward slash. Kyou Kai effortlessly slipped past these and whacked her stick on his tempo.

Y/n's vision was now blurry but despite that, he gripped his sword and slowly started to get up. His bandages around his hands were beginning to get soaked with his blood but Y/n didn't care. He commanded his body to move so it moved, everything else he was feeling pain, fatigue, fear was irrelevant at the time.


Oichi: Enough, that's ten minutes.

Y/n fell back to his knees breathing heavily.

Kyou Kai: Master, your bandages they're soaked with your blood.

Y/n: Oh so.. You do care.

Kyou kai let out a cute grunt. (Don't know the word for a woman grunt so yeahh)

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