In The Dark

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As you where dragged though the darkness, you wondered if you would ever live up to the moment again. Would Hiro still love you? Would he ever forgive you? The questions floated in your mind. Finally, you couldn't stand ot anymore. You displayed the man's greatest fear and flew out of sight. You arrived at the lucky cat cafe and walked casually into Hiro's room. He  was sobbing holding a picture of you. You stepped into a dark conner and watched. "What do you want?" Gogo said with a smirk. The team looked at you in disgust. Your heart broke into a million pieces as you felt a cool tear escape your eyes. Hiro looked up, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He screamed, his glare full of hate. You backed into the dark conner and ran away into the darkness.
*~*~Le time skip~*~*
The dark overlooked Sanfransokyo as a layer of sleep setteled over you. You didnt exactly know your worst fear, so yu displayed it to yourself.
Fear thinamabob
A man aimed a gun at you, the second he pulled the trigger, Hiro took the bullet for you. "No!" You wailed.
End o fear thing.
You emerged from the illusion, sweaty and tear steaked. You dont know whant was going though your mind but you walked to the Lucky Cat Cafe. No one was awake so you went next to Hiro and cuddled into his chest. He smiled a bit as if in a good dream amd you fell asleep.
Haha! Bai!!!

HIRO HAMADA x READERWhere stories live. Discover now