Uh oh... (part ll)

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"Hiro..." you said in unesion. He zipped to the garage. Probably to get the suits. You thought. There was a scream and a yelp of pain and then, POOF. Your eyes widened and your ears on alert. Red Alert man! Oh fudge. You quickly slipped on you f/c suit and dashed outside. Microbots accumulated in the front of the garage. Honey Lemon was thorwing freezer balls at them. USELESS. Wasabi was kung fu lasering them. USELESS. Fred was high yaing em things. You get the point. Gogo's run-around-and-throw-metal-lates thing was as good as poop. "Stop!" you yelled. "None of this is helping! Where is Callaghan anyway?" "Looking for me, pity child?" a voice growled. For a second, you got distracted by a cat. "Hey! Looks like we found... A WORMHOLE!" Fred said, pointing at the cat. You mentally facepalmed and charged with distaste, blasted a smoking hole in the microbots. "Hiro!" you yelled. Baymax blasted out with Hiro on back in repsonse. "Eh, whoa, you blasted a hole in the café's garage." you said. Hiro got off and shrugged. "We break it, you fix it." he said smiling. You smirked, "psh. I dont fix things for my boyfriend." you retorted "He fixes things for me." you blasted away an army of bots. "Get back to work old man." you said, flying above the scene. "Hey!" hiro said. (Omg, my little brother said this to a worker at my dad's job years before it was torn down...good old days. I wonder what happened to my mega sized cardboardbbox...) Worst fear... I'll give it a shot in the back. You thought pleasantly and a devlish grin made its way on yoir face. Before youcould do that, you heard the click of a trigger. Hiro. No! You lept front of Hiro. "Gah!" you yelped, rolling on the ground clutching your side. "Y/N!" Hiro screamed. "Shhh, its okay. At elast you get to live. I-" you blacked out.


Y/n's body went limp in my grasp. Honey Lemon rushed to my side. I put my head agaist y/n's chest and heard a soft thump thump flutter by my ears. I gasped. "Get y/n to the hospital! Asap!" I yelled, picking up her limp body bridal style. Her chest rose slightly as she took a shallow breath in. I smiled.

Mwahahahahahahah!!! I am the Rick Riordan of cliffhangers!!! I might update again today... or tomorrow.

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