Uma Therman

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She wants to dance like Uma Therman bury me till I confess.

She wants to dance and I cant get you out of my head.

"You want to dance like Uma Therman." Hiro said sarcastically.

"Ha! I am Uma Therman!" You said and started dancing.

Hiro.played Uma Thermanand danced with you. Aunt Cass joined and sung terribly!

"How about... Video games?" Hiro asked, whipping out a gun game.

"Haha. Not for me!" You said. Hiro pouted and made his pouty face. That convinced you to play.

"DIE YOU IDIOTS!!!" You yelled.

"Y/n, I have to say, you look sexy when you're on gameing mode." Hiro said.

"Pssshhh." You replied and shot three mindless idiots.

Hoped you liked! :3

HIRO HAMADA x READERWhere stories live. Discover now