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"Junhyung's house"

"Oh my fucking god why do I have so much stuff, "Junhyung complained.

"Baby, it's fine. You can pack the rest next time," Sungho mentioned.

"Ok fine. Help me carry this to the car," Junhyung said.

"Ok, come on," He said while kissing Junhyung on the cheek.

Oh god, he loved Sungho so much.

"Taeyeob's house"

"Kyubin!! Help mee! I don't know which shirts to pack"

Kyubin had just came to Taeyeob's house after he was done packing. He doesn't know if that was a mistake or not.

"I packed like 10 shirts. Just pack the stuff you really like. You can pack more after the week," Kyubin suggested.

"Ok... How about this shirt?" Taeyeob asked.

"That's cute. Pack it, "Kyubin responded then spotted something.

"Ok. What next?"

"Pack this,"Kyubin smirked.

It was a pink lingerie set. Kyubin looked at it and imagined Taeyeob in it. He almost got hard from it, but he knew he had to focus packing. Pack more, fuck later.

"Oh my god, Kyubin!" Taeyeob screamed,"You're literally such a perv"

"You like this perv," he winked.

"I'll pack it. Now, what else?"

"Jisung's house"

"Wookjin!!! I don't know what to packkk," Jisung groaned.

"What do you usually wear," Wookjin asked.


"Ok pack that. What regular clothes do you wear. Wait, I think I see something," Wookjin pulled out a yellow sweater with a daisy on it,"You should pack this. It looks cute."

Jisung put it in his bag without hesitation,"Ok, now what else."

"Your toothbrush"

"I already packed that. I just need clothes," Jisung stated.

"Ok... Wait isn't this my yellow sweater?" Wookjin pointed out a plain yellow sweater.

"No, that ones mine. Maybe we just have the same sweater," Jisung replied.

"Ok then. What else do you have?" Wookjin asked.

"I don't know. Stuff"

"Oh my fucking godddd"

"Yongsoo's house"

Yongsoo was packing up his things but struggling. He should've asked Wookjin for help but he didn't want to take away the opportunity for Jisung. Yongsoo could've spent more time with one of his crushes, but he chose not to.



Yoojungg: Guys are you home
I'm at your house with Kyubin

Sunghoe: No
Wookjin might be

Sixty-NINE: I'm here
I just arrived actually

Hot gay: I see you
Unlock the door for us

Yongsue: Wait I just got here
Wait for meee

Love 😘: No

Junjii: Me and Sungho are coming rn

Sixty-NINE: Ok good
We'll see you soon

Sunghoe: K

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