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Yongsue: Guyssss
Ik it's 2am again for y'all
But I'm starting my job!!!!

Hot gay: Let's go!!
So are you getting training and stuff?

Yongsue: Yes
Honestly way different than the companies in Korea
Tbh I should've never left and should've just joined a company in Korea
English is too hard

Hot gay: Fr tho

Yongsue: I'm guessing everyone else is asleep and you're at work

Hot gay: Correct!
Except someone could just be offline and awake

Yongsue: Anyway, I'ma go now
Nice talking to you tho!

Hot gay: See you bestie!!!

5 months later...


Yongsue: Y'all ready for my new song?

Sunghoe: Obviously
We stayed up just for this

Hot gay: You're other songs are bangers so I'm guessing this song is too

Sixty-NINE: Only guessing?
Bitch we all know they gonna be great either way

Yongsue: 😘
Also I'ma come visit y'all tomorrow
Get ready!!

Love 😘: Holy shit

Junjii: Why would he be lying

Yoojungg: Omg omg omg
I gotta get off work now

Sunghoe: Stop spamming omg
Ik you like newjeans
But shut up

Hot gay: He just started singing

"Friends household"

"Holy shit guys it's starting!" Wookjin announced.

"Everyone shut the fuck up,"Junhyung stared at the screen for the music video.

"Oh my god Yongsoo looks so slay," Kyubin stated.

"Shut up I'm tryna listen," Sungho moved in closer to hear better.

After the song ended, everyone clapped because Yongsoo's rapping skills are so good. After that, they immediately called Yongsoo and Yongsoo immediately answered.

"Did y'all like it?" Yongsoo asked, getting mixed up with Korean and English for a second.

"Obviously! I just added the song to my playlist," Taeyeob looked up from his phone because he actually put the song on his playlist.

"We pre-ordered the album too. We're gonna binge the songs," Jisung stated.

"So happy you guys loved it! You're getting a signed album too by the way,"Yongsoo winked for absolutely no reason.

"Isn't your handwriting absolute shit?" Junhyung asked and had flashbacks to the last time he saw Yongsoo's handwriting.

"It's improved ok!" Yongsoo pouted.

The group all laughed together for the rest of the day, well night for everyone else except Yongsoo. But then everyone had to sleep because they had to have energy to hang out with Yongsoo and Yongsoo left because his flight was soon. Who knows what's gonna happen when Yongsoo comes.

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