27- (special chapter) Easter

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Yoojungg: Guys
Guess what today is

Junjii: Don't tell me it's your birthday too

Yoojungg: It's not

Sunghoe: Junhyung
It's Easter

Yoojungg: Good job 👏👏👏

Hot gay: Are we gonna egg hunt or something

Yongsue: Yes we are
In fact me and Taeyeob are getting the eggs ready right now

Love 😘: Do they have candy inside

Yoojungg: Obviously

Sixty-NINE: So how is this gonna work?

Yongsue: All of you come downstairs
We got the eggs ready

Junjii: I'm coming

Sunghoe: Cumming*

Yongsue: Shut up


"So how is this gonna work?" Kyubin asked while flopping onto the couch.

"So basically someone is obviously gonna hide the eggs and we're gonna split you into teams," Taeyeob explained.

"Whoever gets the most eggs wins," Yongsoo stated.

"How many rounds of this are we gonna do?" Junhyung questioned.

"Three," Yongsoo answered.

"Who's hiding the eggs?" Kyubin asked and at this point Yongsoo and Taeyeob were tired of all the questions.

"Whoever wants to. We have enough candy for that," Taeyeob explained,"Ok who wants to?"

"I'll do it!"Sungho volunteered.

"Ok now pick your teammate," Yongsoo said.

Kyubin obviously went to Taeyeob and Jisung also obviously went to Wookjin so Junhyung and Yongsoo were stuck together.

"Ok turn around. I'ma hide the eggs. They're all gonna be downstairs," Sungho said.

They waited until Sungho was back from hiding the eggs. Sungho tried his hardest to put them in the hardest spots possible but they honestly wasn't much downstairs so some of them were very obvious.

"Ok I'm back! Go find them"

"There's 30 eggs by the way," Taeyeob stated.

"What if we all get 10?"Jisung asked.

"Then rock paper scissors. Now go!" Yongsoo yelled.

"Are you guys done yet?!" Sungho yelled to the whole entire house because he knew some of them were basically deaf.

"Let's just gather in the living room and see if there's 30,"Wookjin suggested.

They all ran to the living room and started counting. There was indeed 30 in total. Kyubin and Taeyeob got 9, Jisung and Wookjin got 12, and Junhyung and Yongsoo got 9.

"Ha! Y'all lost!" Wookjin ate a piece of candy from an egg.

"Do we take all the candy out and split it?" Yongsoo asked.

"Yes. Some of you got odd numbers though so someone is getting extra," Sungho explained.

"Well someone already ate a piece of candy!" Jisung said as he took all the candy pieces out of the eggs.

"Imagine," Junhyung ate a piece of candy.

"Ok who's hiding them next?" Taeyeob asked.

"I'll do it!" Wookjin said.

"Ok let's pick our teams, " Kyubin got up from the couch still having candy in his mouth.

"Sungho,"Junhyung whispered.


"Tell Kyubin and Taeyeob to volunteer to be Yongsoo's partner. I don't want him to be stuck with Jisung," Junhyung stated.


They picked their teams. Kyubin and Yongsoo were in a team and Junhyung and Sungho were in a team, leaving Taeyeob and Jisung stuck together.

"Why am I with Taeyeob!" Jisung complained.

"Because we've already been in a team and because I want Sungho and Junhyung to be in a team," Kyubin said.

"Y'all could've left me with Yongsoo"

"Deal with it fucker,"Taeyeob insulted.

"Ok turn around and let me hide the damn eggs," Wookjin took the basket of eggs that were filled up with more candy.

This time, surprisingly Wookjin found harder spots to hide the eggs in that Sungho didn't see. Only problem was, that there still wasn't that many but most of them were well hidden.

"I'm done! They're all downstairs!"Wookjin announced.

And now the members scatter around the house.

"Are you guys done?!" Wookjin asked,"Y'all are taking forever!"

"Ok then let's count!" Sungho yelled back at Wookjin.

Kyubin and Yongsoo got 10, Jisung and Taeyeob got 8, and Sungho and Junhyung got 11, making 29. That means they're missing 1 egg.

"Whoever finds the last egg gets more candy!" Wookjin said and Jisung being a sucker for food, ran up from the couch. Well actually all of them did.

4 minutes later

"I found it!" Jisung came running back to the living room,"Gimme the candy."

"Jeez calm down," Taeyeob gave Jisung a weird look.

"Anyway, split the candy!" Wookjin demanded.

"I'll hide them next!" Taeyeob volunteered.

"Ok! Jisung be my partner again!" Wookjin yelled.

"I'll go with Yongsoo this time," Sungho whispered to Junhyung and Kyubin.

"Ok," they both responded.

"Guys turn around!" Taeyeob shouted,"They're all gonna be downstairs again!"

They turned around and Taeyeob found the hardest spots to hide the eggs. Honestly it was surpising that he even found these spots

"I'm done!" Taeyeob yelled out making the others run for the eggs.


"Guys count the eggs!" Taeyeob hollered and then the others ran to the living room. Somehow none of them fell during them running.

They counted the eggs and they all got 8, leaving 6 eggs left to find.

"How are you so good at hiding eggs? Me and Kyubin were struggling," Junhyung states.

"Maybe it's because of your long ass hair," Wookjin mentioned.

"Hey, no violence!" Jisung said.

"Guys go find the rest! Whoever gets more gets more candy!" Taeyeob announced then the members ran again.


They're back again on the couch and this time they had 30. Only problem was, they all had 10 which meant they all had the same amount.

"Rock paper scissors guys!" Kyubin put his fist out.

Yongsoo and Sungho ended up winning the rock paper scissors match, meaning they got the extra candy.

"This candy is so good," Wookjin ate the candy and then pretended to faint.

"I know right!" Sungho agreed.

"So good," Junhyung fake fainted, but it was more like a seizure and not fainting.

Then after that they continued on with their normal day. Let's just say they ended up finishing the candy a little too fast, but they still had more in that big bag they got.

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