41 3 1

2 days


Yoojungg: Guys
Let's go to the store Wookjin, Junhyung, and Sungho work at

Junjii: No you're not
I have a shift today

Yoojungg: That makes it even better!

Sunghoe: This is why you don't go to Taeyeob's cafe/restaurant guys

Yongsue: Ok guys let's go

Sixty-NINE: Yongsoo I had faith in you 😭

Yongsue: I'm sorry?

Hot gay: Yongsoo in his baddie era

Love 😘: Nah what 😭

Yongsue: We going or not?

Yoojungg: What happened to him 😭😭😭


"Why are you guys here again?" Junhyung asked, confused.

"For fun," Jisung answered.

"Are y'all not gonna buy anything?" Wookjin questioned.

"Maybe, if we find anything good," Taeyeob stated.

"Please don't buy anything I don't wanna be a third wheel again,"Wookjin cried.

"I'll stay don't worry," Jisung said.

"I'm gonna be a third wheel either way so I'ma just go with Taeyeob and Kyubin," Yongsoo stated.

"Ok byeee! We're gonna find stuff," Taeyeob waved and then headed off to whatever aisle he was going to.

"Wait up!"

"Yongsoo, Kyubin, and Taeyeob"

"So when's your flight?" Kyubin asked.

"2 days," Yongsoo answered.

"Why is it so soon?"Taeyeob fake cried.

"Don't worry, I'll call y'all like everyday,"Yongsoo fake cried with Taeyeob.

"Wait so what are we getting?" Kyubin questioned.

"Snacks, ramyun, candy, I don't know what else,"Taeyeob said.

"Ok well let's find stuff then!" Yongsoo ran off.


"Do Sungho and Junhyung always make out at work?" Jisung asked.

"Yes, when there's no costumers around," Wookjin responded.

"Shut up!" Junhyung yelled.

"Junhyung, you're not supposed to scream unless there's a forking robbery!" Sungho mentioned.

"Bro you're literally screaming right now," Wookjin said.



"Guys what ramen should we get?" Yongsoo questioned.

"Shin Kyubin ramyun," Taeyeob replied.

"I turned into ramyun apparently," Kyubin said.

"We're talking about Shin Ramyun but I'd gladly eat you," Taeyeob smirked.

"I should've went by myself cause what the fuck," Yongsoo looked disgusted.


"Why they taking so long?" Jisung questioned.

"They're probably buying the whole store," Junhyung stated.

"Wait I see them coming," Sungho said.

"Which coming though?" Junhyung teased.

"Shut the actual fuck up"

"You see what I have to deal with?" Wookjin fake cried.

"Yes, and I don't know if it's good or bad," Jisung replied.

"Why did you guys buy the whole store?" Kyubin asked as he walked up.

"Because we can. Anyways, here," Taeyeob put the basket on the counter.

"Ok Junhyung was right," Jisung said.

"About what?" Yongsoo questioned.

"About you guys buying the whole store cause what the fuck is all this shit?" Junhyung scanned all the random crap that was in the basket.

"Um so basically, we found like the most random snacks that looked good so we put it in the basket," Taeyeob explained.

"Y'all got ramyun?" Sungho asked.

"Obviously," Kyubin replied.

"Anyways, that's gonna be 160,000 won," Junhyung smiled.

"I'm not paying. You guys got this," Jisung stated.

"Y'all bought the weirdest stuff you can find," Wookjin said.

"Bro you literally work here how would you not know the weirdest shit here?" Yongsoo asked.

"I do, I just don't judge the people who buy it. Except you guys," Wookjin said.

"Anyways, pay up," Sungho smiled.

"I'll pay for you hoes. You guys are making me go broke," Kyubin gave the money to Junhyung.

"Ok now leave. We still have until like 6 and then we get off," Sungho mentioned.

"Ok byee. Have fun third wheeling Wookjin," Yongsoo waved at the three.

"Ok but seriously, what happened to Yongsoo," Wookjin asked.

"No clue," Sungho and Junhyung said.

A/N: Just realized the title was"Onlyone of" so I had to change it 😭 I did not realize there was a space bro

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