Fudge VS Dumbledore: The Hearing

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Y/N woke the next morning to Harry shaking him; it was unbelievably early, but they had a hearing to attend. Mrs. Weasley had laid out freshly ironed clothes, just like she said she would, at the end of his bed. Y/N got into them as quickly as he could, running his hands through his hair to try and control it.

Ron was still flat out asleep; his mouth was wide open. He didn't even budge when Harry and Y/N unlocked the door and left onto the landing. It suddenly struck Y/N that this could potentially be the last time he saw Ron, as if Cornelius Fudge had his way, he would never even look at a wand again in his lifetime. They walked quietly down the stairs, past the Elf heads, which gave him the creeps, and into the kitchen.

Due to the early morning, Y/N had half expected it to be empty, yet they heard voices when Harry pushed the door open and spotted Mr and Mrs. Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, and Sirius sat at the table, waiting for them.

They were all dressed apart from Mrs. Weasley, who sported a purple dressing gown, and she jumped to her feet when they entered.

"Breakfast," she said as she took out her wand and went over to the lit fire.

"M-morning, you two," yawned Tonks. Her hair was blonde and curly this morning. "How'd you sleep?"

"Awful," said Harry glumly.

"Took me a couple of hours to fall asleep, but I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be," said Y/N, yawning after speaking.

Lupin glanced between them both before turning to address Tonks, "What were you saying about Scrimgeour?"

"Oh... yeah... well, we need to be more careful, he's been asking Kingsley and me some funny questions-"

Mrs. Weasley placed a hefty amount of toast on a plate between them both, Harry tried to eat, but he struggled to get more than one piece down. Y/N managed to get through two slices before Mrs. Weasley began fussing about their clothes, attempting to straighten out creases. Y/N wished she would back off for five minutes.

"...and I'll have to tell Dumbledore I can't do night duty tomorrow, I'm just t-too tired," Tonks concluded with another large yawn as though emphasising her tiredness.

"I'll cover for you," said Mr. Weasley. "I'm okay, I've got a report to finish anyway..."

Mr. Weasley wasn't wearing wizard robes, but a pair of pin-striped trousers and a bomber jacket. He turned from Tonks to Harry and Y/N.

"How are you feeling?"

Harry shrugged.

"Ready to tear the Minister of Magic to shreds in front of his own Wizengamot," said Y/N savagely.

Mr. Weasley paled slightly, "It'll be over before you get much of a chance to speak, both of you will be cleared-"

"I shouldn't even be on trial! I'm not the one who used magic," retorted Y/N, though he raised his hands in apology to Harry quite quickly.

"Don't lose your temper, Y/N," said Sirius. "Fudge will jump on it like a pack of wolves. Be... polite, stick to the facts."

Mr. Weasley checked his watch and looked back up at the two teenagers.

"We'll go now," he said as Mrs. Weasley began to attack Harry's hair with a comb. "We'll be early, but you'll both feel better there than hanging around here."

"Okay," said Harry automatically, dropping the slice of toast in his hand and standing from his chair.

"You'll be all right, Harry," said Tonks reassuringly. Not wishing the same to Y/N because he looked confident in what he was going to do during the hearing. 

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