Chapter 23 If you cant make up your mind i'll do it for you

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Namora pov

The moment I return to Talokan, I retreat to my room to unwind before the big battle begins in a few hours' time. It wasn't long before I heard a knock at my door and I moved toward it to see Attuma and motioned for him to come in.“K’uk’ulkan Ts'o'ok k solicitado patrullemos le ja' naats' Talokan kaxt asab detectores wa chéem Wakanda.” K’uk’ulkan has requested that we patrol the water near Talokan for any more detectors or Wakandian ships. My head nods in understanding as I walk out with him for our patrol.

In our circumnavigation of the area, we come across another vibranium detector, and I groan, and I turn around and swim back to Talokan so I can report this to K’uk'ulkan. As we enter Talokan we see K’uk’ulkan sitting on the throne looking at a shell “K’uk’ulkan Uláak' detector vibranio bin u Kaxa'antbil ti' le océano” K’uk’ulkan, Another vibranium detector was found in the ocean

“Tu’ux.” where?  He queries his hand clenched

“Tu Océano Atlántico” In the Atlantic Ocean

He nods in confirmation “Much prepare le soldados Attuma, k u inmediato. Namora estancia in gustaría u t'aan ta wéetel."Please prepare the soldiers Attuma, we depart immediately. Namora stay I would like to talk to you.

I watch as Attuma leaves and turn my head back to K’uk’ulkan it was silent for a few moment before he finally speaks up “Namora, yéetel le batalla inminente, ma' je'el in ja'atsal a ichil a sentimientos tuméen Y/n yéetel Talokan; Chéen je'el u páajtal a elegir juntúul.” Namora, with the impending battle, I can't have you divided between your feelings for Y/n and Talokan; you can only choose one.

I go to speak but he cuts me off “Wa ma' a decidir a, tu yaan in meentik ta wo’olal” if you cant make up your mind i'll do it for you

“Je'el u páajtal a bin” You can go he says with a shooing hand motion and I nod my head and swim off mumbling cruses and insults on the way out.

The moment I entered my room, I slammed the door behind me and paced around the room, not completely sure what my next move would be. In spite of my reluctance to kill her, that if I did, I would be considered a traitor to Talokan and my people. I paced for 20 more minutes before I made up my mind. Attuma then came to my door telling me it was time to leave. I get into my armour and head out.

We quickly start heading out and swimming to the last known location of the detecter; it takes us and our soldiers 10 minutes to get there. We came to a halt in front of it and looked around; nobody was there. K'uk'ulkan moves to touch it, but sonic emitters make a loud noise, and I protect my ears due to the near proximity.

“Ta'ab ja’!” Get out of the water he yells at us over the emitters and we obey following him out

We see and ship appear with the princess standing in-front of the wakandians and she was  standing with pride and vengeance In her eyes “Yibambe!” She shouts and they repeated repeat “Yibambe!” As they shouted there Flyers appear out of there ship and dives shooting at us.

Namor ascend’s and stab his spear inside the windscreen while running along the back. As the fight begins I tell the Talokanil to start climbing up the side of the walls alongside attuma.

I watch Namor pull down the other Flyers and toss it at the floating robot that appeared out of nowhere, she dodges it and it comes flying right towards the ship, and I start diving beneath the ship, directly to the sonic emitters and the bottom. It takes me a bit to get up to it, but I manage to poke my spear into it three times till it opens up and I throw a water bomb inside and swim away, watching it explode as the ship drives away.

I soon hear whales calling in the distance and watch them return with many water bombs, which they throw beneath the ship. The water soon begins to burst, and the ship begins to tilt to the left, pushing warriors off, including Y/n, who I see strike the ocean as someone calls her name. When I see her resurface for air, I start swimming up behind her, "Watch out!" I heard one of them yell at her, but it was too late by the time I arrived and quickly dragged her beneath the waves.

When the Talokanil stabbed the fallen soldiers in the bloody water, I felt a pulling at my heart and knew I had to murder her here, so I drew my spear around and stabbed her in the chest. I could feel the life seeping from her as her eyes opened, and I rethought everything I was about to lose and if it was worth it.

She closed her eyes in defeat she was losing oxygen. Before I could react she pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach with sorrowful glare and I reciprocated my grip release her and she started swimming like a turbo to get back tot he surface but doesn’t make it.

And I look away from her “I'm sorry my love, but there is no love and war. Especially not now.” I then head back to join the fight.

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