Chapter Thirty-Six

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"You dick!"

I spit the insult into the receiver of my phone at the douchebag demon on the other line.

"No need for such language," says Reed in an offhand tone. "Now, how much do you need?"

"As much as you can get me," I say, looking down at my hands which are shaking. Agitation fills me. "I can't stop thinking about it. It's like an - "

"It's like an addiction," interrupts Reed.

I sit down on my bed and lay down on my back staring at the ceiling. That, however, reminds me of my mother and I turn to the side.

"Just - when can we meet?"

"The better question is how we will meet," says Reed. "I'm guessing Sam and Dean probably won't be very open to you just waltzing off by yourself."

I make a growling noise, picking at a loose string on the blanket. "No probably not."

"Well what we could do is - " he begins.

Just then there is a knock at my door. "I gotta go," I hiss.

"Wait-" starts Reed as I hit the end button.

"Come in," I call, shoving my phone away from me.

The door opens and Dean walks in.

"Yeah?" I ask, getting up off the bed.

"Me and Sam found a case," says Dean.

"I think the proper grammar would be 'Sam and I'," I say.

"Shut it Smart Aleck," says Dean. "Anyway-"

"Uh my name's Zay."

"-Anyway," says Dean, giving me a dirty look. "It's in Illinois in a small town called Wheaton."

"Wheaton? Never heard of it," I say. "Where do you guys even find this stuff?"

"The internet Zay," says Dean. "Ever heard of it?"

"I don't like you," I say.

"So," says Dean, ignoring me, "Sam and I are leaving tomorrow. There's plenty of food here. We should be back in under a week probably."

"Wait what?" I say. "I wanna come! I don't want to stay here by myself for a whole week."

"Zay this is probably the safest place in the world," Dean says. "Nothing can get you here."

"I still don't want to stay here," I say. "It's boring here. I want to come with."

Dean looks at me for a second then lets out a puff of breath. "Fine. But we're leaving early tomorrow. At around eight probably."

I shrug. "I get up at 7:00 every morning anyway."

"Right," says Dean. "I forgot you and Sam are still doing that workout thing."

I nod but don't say anything.

"Alright well just make sure you pack a bag but don't bring a whole lot of shit since we shouldn't be gone that long."

"How long does it take to get there?" I ask.

"Uhh around ten hours," says Dean. I groan inwardly.

"Are we gonna stop at a motel for the night in Iowa or something?" I ask.

Dean shakes his head. "No. If we leave at eight, maybe stop along the way to eat, it'll be around nighttime by the time we get to Wheaton."

I nod. "Okay I'll be ready to go."

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