Chapter Forty-Four: Just Keep on Walkin'

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Both men sit down on the bed, devoid of babies, as far away as possible from them, staring straight ahead

"Sam, we can't even take care of one baby," says Dean, still in shock as he breaks the silence. "But three?" At this, his voice climbs in octave and he turns and looks at his younger brother, his face incredulous and panicked. "What are gonna do with them?"

Sam glances over at Dean and shrugs his shoulders slightly. "I – I don't know." He looks down at his hand which is still clutching the note, rather tightly. "We . . . we need to figure out who Abilene is," Sam says.

"Probably a witch," says Dean in a 'duh' tone of voice.

Sam presses his lips together and rolls his eyes. "I'm saying figure out who she is, Dean. Find out if anyone knows her, if she has family here with her, where she lives."

Dean rubs his face. "Yeah okay but while we're doing all that, what are gonna do with . . . them?" He gestures his hand towards the babies.

Sam stands up. "Well, maybe we could find, like, a babysitter or something."

"Yeah, who's gonna be crazy enough to watch three babies," scoffs Dean. "Plus we don't got any cash to spare."

Sam doesn't respond as he looks over at the babies. He glances back at Dean.

"Hey how old do you think they are?"

Dean looks over at the babies and stares for a second. "I don't know. Maybe six months?"

"That means they're probably able to crawl," says Sam.

"Oh, great," Dean says, rather loudly.

"Dude, be quiet!" Sam says.

At this the room falls back into an awkward silence until Sam says:

"Um you know babies need, like, food and diapers and stuff like that," says Sam, grabbing his coat and picking up the keys to the impala. "So I'm just gonna do that while you stay here with the babies, okay, bye." His words come out in a rush as he hurries out the door, shutting it behind him.

"Wait, what?!" says Dean incredulously, standing up. He runs to the door and throws it open to see Sam is already in the impala and backing out of the parking lot.

"Sam!" Dean protests, as Sam drives off. Dean groans loudly. "Dammit!"

He reenters his motel room and slams the door shut and immediately realizes his mistake when one of the babies begins crying.

He groans. "Son of a bitch!" he says loudly causing the other two babies to stir from their sleep.

"Oh, no, crap." Dean says. "Don't – Don't cry."

His tone is gentler as he moves towards the babies, two of who are beginning to wake, while one of them is still crying. Gingerly, he picks up the crying one in the middle, holding the baby at arm's length.

"Now, which one are you?" he mutters, glancing at the other two babies, one of which has now turned on the waterworks upon hearing their little friend crying, and the other is that is starting to crawl across the bed. One of the babies has bright blonde hair while the other two have dark brown hair.

"Aw guys," says Dean desperately. "C'mon. Stop crying." He rests the baby he's holding on one side of his chest and reaches over and pushes the crawling baby back into the middle of the bed, then attempts to pick up the blonde one.

"Okay, Kid," he says, carefully resting the blonde one on the other side of his chest. "Let's see . . . you have blonde hair, so you must be Angela."

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