Chapter Thirty

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"You know how I said I wanted to go back to school?" I ask, sitting down on the kitchen table.

Dean looks up. "Yeah?"

"I regret it now."

Dean laughs slightly, snorting in the middle of his laugh.

I giggle. "That," I say, "was attractive."

"I – Shut up."

I smile and grab the water bottle off of the table and open it, taking a large drink.

"So any suspects?" asks Sam, sitting down in the chair next to the one my feet are resting on.

I nod and put rest my chin on my hands. "Yeah. There's the AP World History teacher Mr. Gregory. He's super weird. He likes the lights off and he's really pale."

"Well that's a bit obvious," mutters Dean.

I nod. "Yeah I know."

"Is that it?"

I shrug. "Um yeah pretty much. The other teachers are all pretty normal. I can't stand Mrs. Tarp."

"Alright well we've got to talk to you about something," says Dean.

I put the water bottle between my knees and look up. "Okay."

"So we were talking to Cas today while you were at school," begins Dean.

"Yes?" I say, impatient.

"Don't get your hopes up," says Sam, "but Cas says he thinks he might know where Angela and Robert are."

My head jerks up and my heart jumps as I practically leap off of the table. "Are you serious? Oh my gosh are you guys serious?"

"Yes," says Sam. "But he's not sure yet. Cas thinks an angel could've found them."

"Is that bad or good?" I ask nervously.

"Depends on who the angel is since most of them are dicks," says Dean.

"He thinks it's an angel named Des – Desde . . . . " Sam stops. "It's 'Desde' something. Anyway, Cas is tracking her right now."

So what does Cas think about her?" I ask excitedly. "Like, does he think she's bad or good or-?"

"He's hoping she's on our side," says Dean.

I nod. "So, can we go help him or something?"

"No," says Sam. My heart sinks. "We need to clear up this vampire case."

I sit down in the chair next to Sam. "Yeah okay."

"But afterwards," Sam continues, "we'll go down and help search for them."

"Really?" I say, standing back up again, hope blooming once again. "Thank goodness.

Before I can stop myself I step forward and hug Sam who seems kind of shocked at first but slowly wraps his arms around me. I then move to Dean and do the same thing.

"Thanks guys," I say with a shy smile. They both smile in return and I turn around and head out of the room, actually slightly happy for the first time in a while.

● ● ●

"Get up," Desdemona says, rolling her eyes.

Muttering under her breath Angela stands up, dusting herself off. "I don't get how this is helping Desde-Ya know, I'm just gonna call you Mona." Desdemona flashes Angela and disapproving look. "Anyway, you're supposed to be teaching us to control our powers. How is throwing us around gonna help that?"

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