Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm sorry," I say. "The children of a demon and an angel?"

"Wouldn't that be an abomination or something?" says Dean.

Castiel nods. "Yes. Even worse than a Nephilim."

"Wait what's a Nephilim?" I ask, confused.

"Half angel, half human," explains Sam.

"Oh," is all I say. I have a feeling there will be a lot more fancy terms I'm gonna have to learn though out the years.

"So what's a half demon and half angel called?"

"Naphalem," Castiel replies.

Nephilim and Nephalem? Right that's not confusing. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Why do you even think that Angela and Robert are . . . Nephalems?"

"Because we've been watching them for years," replies Castiel. "If their powers are harnessed right, Angela and Robert can be very powerful. Although, I have no idea what those powers are."

"Well why don't you just asked the angel and demon who did this?" I ask a bit desperately.

"Because both the demon and angel have been locked away ever since they committed the crime." He sighs. "There will be no way to question them so we must do this ourselves."

I sit there as Dean, Sam, and Castiel talk about what to do and how to find Angela and Robert. I get a sick feeling in my stomach as I realize the horrible truth: that I may never see Angela and Robert again. What if they get killed? Or what if they go on the demons' side?

It's now, more than anything, I wish I had a way to contact Angela.

Then an idea pops into my head . . .

"Oh my god!" I cry, jumping up.

"What?" Sam, Dean, and Castiel all say.

"What if I call Angela?" I say excitedly.

"What?" says Dean again.

"What if I call her?" I repeat. "She never leaves the house without her phone!'

"Zay she was probably searched," says Sam. "The demons more than likely took it."

"Okay then no harm no foul," I say. "It's still worth a shot."

Sam and Dean exchange looks.

"Guys," I say. "They're my best friends."

Sam, sighs and rubs his face. "Okay fine. Do you know her number?"

I nod. "By heart." With that, I grab my phone and dial in her number, my heart pounding furiously. "Please pick up please pick up," I whisper, tapping my fingers on my leg. "C'mon Angela c'mon."


"Angela?" I say. "Angela?!"

"I'm sorry Angela can't come to the phone right now," says the voice in a sickly sweet tone. "She's in the middle of something."

"Who is this?" I demand. "Where do you have my friends?"

I hear a little gasp. "Is this Zayana Winchester?" the woman asks. "Your mommy's the one that burned on the ceiling right?"

"Shut up," I snap.

"Ooh looks like that hit a nerve," says the woman and I can tell she's smirking.

"Where are Angela and Robert?" I snap, ignoring the looks Sam and Dean are giving me.

"Well here why don't you listen to them yourself."

Just then I am met with a blood curdling scream. A girl's.

"ANGELA!" I scream. Then there's another scream, a more deeper one but just as bone chilling.

"ROBERT!" I cry.

I hear the wicked laugh again.

"Let them go you bitch!" I yell.

"Oh absolutely not," she replies in a baby voice. "We need them - just as much as we need you."

"What?" I say. "What the Hell are you talking about?"

"You're next Zayana Winchester."

And then the line goes dead.

* * *

"What else did she say?" demands Sam, pacing back and forth.

"She said," I sigh. This can't be real. "She said that she needs me just as much - just as much as she needs Angela and Robert. And that . . . " I trail off.

"And what?" says Dean.

I look up at the three men.

"And that they're coming for me."


Published in June 2014

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