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Hi guys!

So chapter 44 is going to have some new characters in it who are foster kids! And I was thinking instead of coming up with all of the characters myself, I would offer it up to you guys to submit characters for me to use and I was thinking of making a contest out of it. 

What you would do is message me (or comment below) and submit one character (twins are allowed), including their name, age, gender, backstory, and anything else, to possibly be in the chapter (maybe even other chapters!). I plan on choosing three characters out of the entries.

The contest will end on January 20th and I will announce the three winners on January 21st!

I really really hope you guys do this because I think it could be a lot of fun and I've never done anything like this before. I can't wait to see the entries!! (:

Good luck guys!

-Gadreel Girl!

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