Chapter Five

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I've been driving for hours and I finally pull into a run down motel, beyond tired.

"Room for one please," I say wearily as I pull out a wad money I found in the car.

The man looks at me suspiciously. "How old are you girl?"

"I'm 21," I lie smoothly as I pull out my ID and hand it to him.
"You don't look 21," he says as he takes the ID and examines it for at least a minute. Turning it sideways, upside down. But I'm not stupid. I know exactly what I'm doing.

"If you're done?" I say. He looks up at me. "I'd really like to get to my room. I've had a long day."

"Oh yes - of course. Um S-Sorry Miss," he says, now flustered. "Here's your room key. If you need any help, just call the front desk."

I smile and take the key. 

"Thank you."

*  *  *

After I settled in my room I pull my laptop and continue searching on these mysterious Winchesters but find nothing besides a few lame videos by these people called the Ghostfacers. Luckily, They did mention the Winchesters. Although their descriptions of them (they called them 'douchebags' and a few other names) didn't exactly ease my nerves on what they were like.

Just as I'm about to go to sleep, I feel a pang of hunger in my stomach and grudgingly, decide to visit the vending machine.

"What to get, what to get," I mutter as I stand in front of the vending machine, my weight shifting to my right hip. Just as I get my M&Ms, I hear soft voices.

"Dean cut it out!" whispers a tense voice.

"Aw c'mon Sammy I'm just playing around," says a relaxed voice.

"If that monster's chasing us it means we just led them to a bunch of civilians. So lets get in our room, get our shit and get out. You can 'play around' later when people's lives aren't at stake."

"Alright alright," says the one called Dean. "Let's finish this."


Curious, I creep forward, holding my M&Ms tightly in my hand.

Just as I reach the end of the hallway and am about to turn to the left, the door slams shut.

"Dammit!" I mutter. Just as I hear a growl.

Slowly, barely breathing, I turn around to be met by a man walking towards me, growling, and teeth bared - that look like fangs (but I have to be hallucinating that right? Right?)

"Oh my god," I whisper as this creature advances toward me.

I let out a scream as it begins running.

"What the - !" starts one of the guys as he walks out of the room. He stops dead when he see me running and the - the thing chasing me.

"SAM!" he yells. "Get the gun!"

I have no time to look behind me. I can only keep running.

"GET DOWN!" yells a voice.

I let out another scream and drop to the ground just as a gun goes off. I wait for the werewolf to pounce on me - but it never does.

 Carefully, I look up, my heart beating fast to see the 'person' laying on the ground. Dead.

"Oh my god," I say as I just sit there. "Oh my god!" I cry.

"Hey, hey, hey!" says the taller of the two guys as he runs up to me. "Are you okay?"

 "Wh - What was that?" I breathe out, trying to get a grip.

"Okay um this is gonna take some explaining - Dean have you got the body?"

"Yeah! Sam get her in here before people start showing up!"

"Here come with me," says 'Sam' grabbing ahold of my arm and pulling me onto my feet. He drags me along with him into the room, shutting the door.

"Who the hell are you guys?!" I whisper/scream, leaning against the door. "And what the hell was that - that thing?!"

"Whoa just calm down," says Dean. "I'm Dean Winchester. This is my brother Sam Winchester. That thing that tried to attack you was a werewolf."

"Winchester," I whisper, sinking onto a chair. "Oh my god. You're the Winchesters!"

"You - You know who we are?" says Sam, looking surprised. "Wait you don't read those books do you?"

"Sam our last name wasn't mentioned in the books remember?" says Dean gruffly.

"Wh-What books?" I ask. "No I heard about you on some . . . some website. The Ghostfacers is what they called themselves I think."

Both brothers groan.

"Damn Ghostfacers," mutters Dean, rubbing his face.

"I - I've been looking for you - for both of you," I say hesitantly.

"Um . . . why?" asks Dean.

I take a deep breath.

"Because I think one of you may be my father."

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