Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Sam," I say. My voice shakes.

"Zay," he says, his teeth clenched. His voice is strained.

We stare at each other for a second before either of us talk.

"I can explain-"

"I think you'd better come home with me Zay," says Sam sounding like he is trying to control his anger. "Now."

"Right," I say. I turn to Amee. "Uh, see you tomorrow I guess."

"Bye," she says.

I set the duct tape down on one of the racks and follow Sam towards the checkout line. I glance back and mouth 'sorry' to Amee who just shrugs sympathetically.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as Sam sets his items down and pulls his wallet out to pay for them.

"Getting bullets for the guns," he replies, not looking at me. His hands search through the money in his wallet. ". . . the hell," he mutters to himself. "Why is some of my money missing?"

He looks up, as if realizing something and immediately looks over at me, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed, clearly angry.

I avert my eyes. What the hell? Out of all that money who notices a fifty and a ten missing?

Jaw clenched, Sam slams some money down on the counter. After it is paid for he picks up the plastic bag and grabs ahold of my upper arm tightly and leads me outside.

"Sam that hurts," I say, walking beside him, trying to free my arm.

He doesn't reply and doesn't say anything until we're in the car.

It is silent for a moment then:

"You took the money didn't you?" His voice is deadly calm.

"Sam-" I begin.

"Answer the question."

I sink against the back seat.


He starts the car up and begins driving.

"What the hell were you thinking Zayana?!" he says angrily.

"Well I was thinking I wanted to go shopping with my friend," I say, folding my arms.

"After I told you not to right?" says Sam.

I don't respond.

"Right Zayana?"

I clench my teeth. "Yes."

"Yeah that's what I thought. And you know it's bad enough that you would actually go behind Dean and I's back and do exactly what we told you not to do-but you stole my money as well!"

"I'm sorry okay?" I say, throwing my hands up in the air.

He scoffs. "Yeah. You sound so sorry," he snaps.

I roll my eyes, noticing he's going over the speed limit. "Fine I'm not sorry. Happy? And slow down, you're gonna wreck the Impala and Dean will kill you."

"Just shut up."

And I do. Neither of us says another word until we get to the bunker.

"Hey," says Dean as Sam and I enter the library. "How was that meeting thing?"

"Yeah Zayana," says Sam. "Tell Dean all about the meeting at school."

"Uh no thanks," I say. I attempt to leave the room but Sam blocks my way and points at one of the chairs at the table. I refrain from letting out a huge sigh as I pull at chair out and sit down.

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