Chapter Thirteen

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"What the hell?" mutters Dean, watching Zayana stalk off.

Sam groans and outs his head in his hands.

"Whoa dude you okay?" asks Dean.

Sam stares at him.

"I just found out, two days ago, I have a daughter. Who is a teenager. And hormonal. And confusing. So yeah Dean I'm doing just fine." His voice is laced with sarcasm.

"Well I'd try and help only . . . " Dean stares after the door Zayana walked out. "I've never really dealt with a lot of girls before. And a teenager at that."

Only Ben and Krissy, he thinks to himself, with regret.

"Yeah," says Sam. "Whatever, not your fault dude."

"Although . . . I'm guessing she's probably upset about something so I'm guessing - since you're her dad - that you should go talk to her." Dean smiles sweetly.

"Oh . . . " Sam says, looking slightly uneasy. "Y-Yeah I guess so."

With that, he gets up and slowly walks to the door Zayana exited out of.

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I'm sitting in the back of the Impala when the back door opens and Sam slides inside.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

"I just uh wanted to know if you're okay?" He says it nervously, like it's a question.

I stare for a second but shake my head before replying:

"Obviously I'm not fine and Dean's not helping."

"Wait what did he say?" says Sam, looking truly confused.

I roll my eyes.

Men. So clueless.

"Just-the way he said how it was probably the same demons who had killed my mom. It just sounded so casual and uncaring - like it's just a job to you guys," I pause. "Wait nevermind. It actually IS just a job to you guys." I look out the window, taking a deep breath. No crying.

"Look-That's just the way Dean is okay?" says Sam. "He doesn't mean it that way. Especially since you're family. It's just the way he is sometimes."

I take another deep breath.

"Okay. Whatever."


"Tell me about her," says Sam suddenly.

I turn and look at him. "What?"

"Your mom . . . her name was Jade."

I nod. "Yeah?"

More silence.

I look out the window again.

"She was the greatest person I ever knew," I say quietly. "Kind, understanding, funny, tall, beautiful . . . brave."

A tear escapes my eye.

"She was," Sam responds.

I turn to him, opening my mouth but he's already left the car, the door slammed behind him.

Published in June of 2014

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